Steven Digges
January 26th, 2015, 11:10 AM
Hey Guys,
I am not a DSLR shooter at all. I am asking this for a client. When the current line of Canon DSLRs like the 7D MK II hit their 30 minute recording limit is the HDMI output affected in anyway?
In other words, will they continuously output clean HDMI video at all times whether it is in record mode or not?
Paul R Johnson
January 26th, 2015, 01:22 PM
Isn't the limit because the sensor overheats rather than any media related issue - I don't use that camera, but my Pentax just stops recording and the video output ceases too.
Steven Digges
January 26th, 2015, 01:51 PM
Hey Paul,
I always thought it was overheating too, but I am not current on these things because I don't use them. I read on this forum all the time about guys just hitting record again. That does not make sence if it is heat?
The only spec I can find on the Canon 7D MK II says it has a thirty minute continuous limit or 4 gig limit. But that is a file size issue. Is heat still a problem?
Jon Fairhurst
January 26th, 2015, 02:41 PM
My understanding is that the 30 minute limit is due to European tax law. Camcorders are taxed at a higher rate and if it records less than 30 minutes, the camera avoids that classification.
The HDMI output should continue, assuming that one has disabled the timeout. I'm not sure if the HDMI output is clean in all cases though.
Nick Gordon
January 28th, 2015, 06:58 AM
Yes - it's the tax situation that's the source of the 30-minute limit.
George Odell
January 31st, 2015, 09:58 AM
My understanding is DSLR cameras that have dual processors can output clean HDMI at all times. The heat issue has more to do with the LCD display circuit overheating, not the sensor.
With my Canon 60D I have never had an issue with the camera shutting down and I have left it on while setting up for interviews for well over an hour or more.... then shot for another 2 to 3 hours all with no downtime.
Just keep swapping 16gb cards after every 45 minutes or so using 1080/30P. Clips running around 14 mins each.