View Full Version : Vegas Problem - Anyone help?
Ian Whelan January 24th, 2015, 10:39 AM Hi all - I'm editing a piece together at the moment and some weird things happening with Vegas (see attached clip). I'm using the NewBlue V3 Split Screen plug in. It's doing my nut in!
Private Video on Vimeo
Passowrd: su
Graham Bernard January 25th, 2015, 01:36 AM Ian, you're going to have to give more info.
I've just tested a 3 Clip and Vegas is working fine.
Here's a thought, as this isn't a GPU accelerated plug - yes? - if you have GPU ON try it OFF.
I noticed that it was after the a PUSH Left transition that things started happening - yes? If you DID use that Trannie, there have been reports of the PUSH Trannie having issues.
Yeah, it's a pig and no mistake. Sometimes a REBOOT gets thing sorted out.
Juris Lielpeteris January 25th, 2015, 05:25 AM Sometimes can help the transcoding of source clips in more suitable format for editing.
Aleksey Tarasov January 26th, 2015, 02:17 AM I'm pretty sure that this is a GPU problem
Ian Stark January 27th, 2015, 02:22 AM What format is the video data and what other plugins are operating on those clips (eg colour correction etc)?
I had a similar issue with some footage shot on a Panasonic GH2 (AVCHD format) where I used certain plugins in conjunction with Colorfast, notably Vignette. Trouble was, the point at which the problem started was not always the same so when I came to show it to the guys at NewBlue I couldn't reproduce it! THe problem didn't manifest itself with footage in other formats. I think the suggestion that it's GPU related is highly likely.
Duane Adam January 28th, 2015, 11:03 AM Have had the same problem with other new blue effects although I haven't used split screen. Because the glitches were usually random, I re-booted and rendered to a new track as a work around or just replaced them. I'm a big fan of new blue fwiw, but some of the effects seem to cause issues.
Ian Stark January 28th, 2015, 11:17 AM In the interest of fairness I have also encountered occasional issues with Boris plugins so I don't think the phenomenon is limited to NewBlue plugins ( of which I am a massive fan, which is no secret ;-) )
Leslie Wand January 28th, 2015, 10:20 PM I have also encountered occasional issues with __________
fill in the blank.
such is life, and most certainly the foibles and idiosyncrasies of software / hardware ;-)
Ian Stark January 29th, 2015, 12:59 AM Ha! Well quite!!
What I meant was 'similar issues', ie the flickering!
Edward Troxel January 29th, 2015, 12:19 PM One think you can do is click on "About" to open the Info dialog. On that screen, check the "Disable GPU" option and see if that resolves the issue.
If it does:
1. What version/build of split screen do you have installed?
2. What video card(s) do you have?
3. What video driver version(s) do you have?
Ian Whelan January 29th, 2015, 06:29 PM Thanks for all your help - I figured out the problem.
I'm using NewBlue V3 Split Screen for the multi window shots. For some transitions I used the NewBlue V3 Split Screen - OpenFX plugin, this seemed to cause all the chaos. Not sure what the difference is between the two plugins are but it's all working now!
Graham Bernard January 30th, 2015, 01:03 AM . . . For some transitions I used the NewBlue V3 Split Screen - OpenFX plugin, this seemed to cause all the chaos. Not sure what the difference is between the two plugins are but it's all working now!Ian, what Transitions? SONY? NewBlue? Please explain.
Edward Troxel January 30th, 2015, 09:19 AM If you are seeing two effects with the same name (i.e. "NewBlue V3 Split Screen" vs "NewBlue V3 Split Screen - OpenFX"), that means you have installed both the older DirectX version as well as the newer OpenFX version.
Generally speaking, it is better to install and use only the OpenFX version. If you would contact NewBlue support, it would be good to figure out why you are having issues with the OpenFX version as it really is the preferred version today.
As I said yesterday, One thing you can do is click on "About" to open the Info dialog. On that screen, check the "Disable GPU" option and see if that resolves the issue.
If it does:
1. What version/build of split screen do you have installed?
2. What video card(s) do you have?
3. What video driver version(s) do you have?
You also mentioned Transitions. Split Screen is not a transition.