View Full Version : Modifying Internal ND filters on C100

Kyle Hawthorne
January 24th, 2015, 01:37 AM
This might be a crazy idea, but has anyone tried to change the ND filters in the C100/300/500?

6 stops is not sufficient when shooting in bright sunlight and trying to achieve a shallow DOF look. Swapping out the 4 stop glass for 6 stops and the 6 stops for 10 would really be helpful IMO.

I hate having to screw on a 3 stop ND filter when I'm trying to shoot at f2 or f2.8 on a sunny day. Stoping to screw on an ND filter kind of defeats the whole purpose of having them built into the camera.

Is this a path I should not attempt to travel down or can a good camera repair shop handle such a request without issue?

Gary Huff
January 24th, 2015, 08:15 AM
You think that's ridiculous, how about the Sony FS7, where Slog has a base ISO of 2000 and its built-in NDs only have the same strength as the C100?

The short answer is "no". It's not worth voiding your warranty to have a third-party do it (if it were even possible), and Canon probably wouldn't, and, if they would, it would probably cost you more than the camera itself.

Ken Diewert
January 24th, 2015, 11:37 AM
How about mounting a 4x4 filter holder on the front, to hold drop in filters. Much faster than screw on filters. I had one years ago for stills. Something like this

LEE Filters Foundation Kit FK B&H Photo Video (

Kyle Hawthorne
January 24th, 2015, 01:34 PM
I switch lenses way too often for this solution to be practical.

Nate Haustein
January 24th, 2015, 05:26 PM
I'm sure you could do it. The real question is, are you brave enough? The C100 would come apart easily enough, the hard part would be cutting a glass filter to the correct size and shape.

Kyle Hawthorne
January 24th, 2015, 05:43 PM
I agree, but cutting the glass is something I could rely on a glass company to take care of. I would just have to first remove one of the existing internal ND filter to get the correct dimensions. They could probably get two or even three cuts out of a 82mm ND filter. And if they screw it up I'll just have to buy a new $80 ND filter. Small price to pay IMO.

So who wants to give this a whirl and let me know how it goes? :)

Kyle Hawthorne
January 24th, 2015, 05:57 PM
Does anyone know of an ND filter over 10 stops?

With the native ISO of the C100 being 800 it seems like a 4 - 8 - 12 stop bracket system might be ideal, but I have searched of both screw on and drop in filters over 10 stops without any luck.

Ken Diewert
January 25th, 2015, 06:20 PM
Does anyone know of an ND filter over 10 stops?

With the native ISO of the C100 being 800 it seems like a 4 - 8 - 12 stop bracket system might be ideal, but I have searched of both screw on and drop in filters over 10 stops without any luck.

I suppose that would be an advantage to the drop system... you could stack them... but I would just drop the ISO down to 400 or 200. I would for sure do that before hacking into my built in ND's... but hey... if you want to make an omelette - you have to break a few eggs.