View Full Version : Is anyone using Sony PXW-X70 for weddings?

Michael Silverman
January 15th, 2015, 09:45 PM
I'm interested to find out if anyone is using this camera for weddings (specifically the ceremony). I would like to find out if the X70 would match up well with the look of DSLRs. To be honest, I'm really looking to buy the Canon XC10 once it's released since all of my other cameras are Canon and these two cameras are supposed to have very similar specs. However, since the XC10 hasn't been released yet, I'm interested in people's experiences with the X70. In particular, does this camera have too much of a video look to match well with DSLRs? Does the bokeh from the X70 when zoomed in look similar to a large sensor DSLR? Does the camera's dynamic range come close to a typical DSLR?

It looks like these two cameras are very promising for specific applications. However, I know that it's sometimes very easy to pick out which footage was shot with a camcorder and which was shot with a DSLR. If the footage from this camera cuts well with DSLRs then that gives me hope that the XC10 might work well as a third camera for me to use during ceremonies.

Jon Robertson
January 16th, 2015, 05:51 AM
Hi There

Not using the x70 (yet) but I bought a cx900 to use as a third cam. It's essentially the same camera but the x70 has more bells and whistles. I used it for the first time at a wedding last month and I ended up shooting all the preps and pre ceremony with it. I chickened out on using it for the ceremony as it was ridiculously dark and I hadn't tested the cx900 to the point of being fully comfortable with it.

I have been using two NX3 cams which are essentially 1/3 inch 3 chip traditional video cams. For me the CX900 produced a better and more pleasing picture. I would put it somewhere between the NX3 and a DSLR. There is noticeably better DOF compared to the NX3 and the picture does have a more film like quality to my eyes. The slow-ish lens is a bit of a let down but nothing major as the picture remains good up to 21db of gain for me.

I've not shot side by side with a DSLR so couldn't comment for sure. Dynamic range isn't great as highlights tend towards the blown out if you are not careful, although recording XAVC S improves on this somewhat over shooting AVCHD.

I'm also interested in this new Canon which is making me hold off on buying the X70 until I hear what the Canon has to offer. If it indeed actually surfaces.



Jon Robertson
January 16th, 2015, 05:58 AM

Forgot to add a filmed a ceremony with the CX900 the other week. It worked for me and looked better than the NX3 footage even at higher gain levels.

Noa Put
January 16th, 2015, 07:02 AM
I use a ax100 which should produce the same image with the exception it doesn't have pictureprofiles and it shoots in 4K but that the x70 eventually will be able to do as well.

The ax100 has an image that much resembles my sony cx730, they look practically identical with most obvious difference the detail. The ax100 can produce a shallower dof then my cx730 because it has a larger sensor but it doesn't come close to my sony rx10 which has the same size sensor but a constant f2.8 stop.

I would consider the image from the ax100 "videolike" and it doesn't have that distinct dslr look which is why I prefer to use it in combination with my 2 sony cx730 during ceremonies, they match perfectly. I use my sony rx10 as well during ceremonies but the difference starts to show, especially in color, skintones look different.

Michael Silverman
January 16th, 2015, 02:38 PM
Thanks for the responses. That all makes a lot of sense as I imagine there are so many different things that factor into the "DSLR look". It seems like a very cool camera and I'll be interested to take a look at the XC10, but it's good to know that it may not match up that well with DSLRs or Cinema Cameras.

Kyle Root
March 19th, 2015, 11:29 AM
I didn't want to create an entirely new thread, as this is basically the same question.

I have a chance to get a Sony AX100 at an amazing price, and now that reality is setting in... and I'm 99% sure I'm going to buy it I was wondering this - For those who have the AX100 - When you use it for a ceremony, how do you use it?

I guess my main question is related to following a bride down the aisle. Say you are at the front and capturing here walking down.... how well does the focusing track her coming in?

Also, any other wedding related experiences would be welcome.

If those all works out I'd eventually like to have 4 of these to shoot ceremonies with.

Dave Blackhurst
March 19th, 2015, 03:07 PM
My personal choice would be the AX100 for the wide "safety" slot at the back - you can crop in from 4K, so your coverage is superior, you don't need "wide" and "close up" like you might have with HD cams...

I add to that a couple RX10's, using those for the tighter manned shots, it's a decent combo. For me they work as a "team". Both feel very comfortable to me in use, I expect both cameras will be in my kit for quite some time.

You really probably won't need 4 cameras - my "fleet" shrunk quite a bit when the AX100 came on board. I do debate a second one if the price was right, but I'm also sort of holding out for 4K on the RX10 or its successor... Three would probably be plenty to give you typical multi-angle multi-cam coverage, and depending on how the reviews come in on the AX33, in theory it could take two of those slots for unmanned extra angles?

Kyle Root
March 19th, 2015, 09:09 PM
There's no doubt I'd be using it as a wide shot from the back for sure.

My thinking for 4 is for when shooting solo Ceremonies:

1 - back wide
2 - bride cam front right (unmanned framed semi tight but enough room for crop)
3 - groom cam front left (unmanned framed semi tight but enough room for crop)
4 - pick up shots

The pros for me, for having 4 is

1. They are all the same camera so controls and color/look should be virtually identical saving me time in post production.
2. If there is a problem with one, I still have options to re configure and get some usable footage.

I am really thinking about selling all of my equipment and going this route. I'd be selling my NX5, XA20, HV 40, GoPro 2, and Vixia Mini.

I'd likely add a GoPro 4 Silver or Black.