View Full Version : New to EX1R - Issues already / Help?

Michael C. Ray
December 30th, 2014, 05:04 PM
Finally upgraded to an EX1R - (old I know) from my FX1 .....

Curious about a few things:

1) When I turn the camera on, watching the LCD monitor I get a quick blueish screen - black - green line - black then the screen comes up / Normal?

2) Sometimes when I move the camera or adjust the LCD - it goes black then right back to what it is looking at / Normal or experience with?

3) Not sure if the focus is working correctly - seems like the Manual focus is very limited / anyway I could test this know for certain?

I just received the camera, purchased used, sent to Sony before coming to me, sony said all functions checked but this does not feel / seem correct ...

Jack Zhang
December 31st, 2014, 02:59 AM
1. Yes, some of that is normal. Weird green lines when you turn it on usually means the camera is "booting up," especially booting to MEDIA mode.

2. That is not normal. Looks like your LCD display cable inside the housing may have issues if it's jostled around. May be worth it to get that part replaced. If the connector on the motherboard side is getting flakey, repairs may not be worth it since repair costs get really expensive at that point. The best case scenario is the detection switch for the LCD flipping in and out is over-sensitive. Try this: if you see an image in your LCoS EVF when the jostle happens, it's that switch that is at fault.

3. Try a automatic backfocus adjustment and see if that fixes focus issues. Search the forum to find how to do a "Auto FB Adjust." and perform one. The final step of that procedure should be 99% in focus. After that, snap the ring to "Full MF," fully zoom into something then zoom back out. If it retains focus, your backfocus is set correctly. (this should be done where there is plenty of light.)

It's likely Sony did not disassemble the camera for a full assessment, you may need to replace the cable for the LCD. There are two ribbon cables, one from the camera to the LCD's mainboard, then from the LCD mainboard to the LCD panel itself. One of these is at fault, you just gotta find out which.

Les Wilson
December 31st, 2014, 03:09 PM
...3) Not sure if the focus is working correctly - seems like the Manual focus is very limited / anyway I could test this know for certain?...

Make sure the camera is in Manual Focus mode. Moving the focus ring in AF mode would match your description. The EX1R has a Full manual mode where you pull the ring so you see an orange band around the lens. Now the ring has stops at each end of the focus range.

Les Wilson
January 1st, 2015, 08:25 AM
...2) Sometimes when I move the camera or adjust the LCD - it goes black then right back to what it is looking at / Normal or experience with?...

This board isn't eBay with all it's safety nets but the idea on DVINFO is that as a real name site, equipment is sold on the DVINFO reputation of the seller. When you resolve these issues and determine there was a defect with the camera and you bought it from someone here, that member's reputation is on the line and the community would be interested in knowing who that was.

Michael C. Ray
January 1st, 2015, 04:17 PM
I am sorry this is not meant to harm or put on the line anyone's reputation, I am simply trying
to figure out what is "STANDARD" for this camera and what is not.

I contacted Sony to see what was done / checked during the "Diagnostic Function" test they ran,
to see if the LCD was tested however it is one of those intermittent things, "We can't check, if it don't happen" ..

Les Wilson
January 1st, 2015, 06:51 PM
My 2 cents:
#1 is normal. #2 is not and I think would have been experienced by the previous owner and been a known problem. #3 is impossible to say until you do the things recommended here and report back.

Sellers either follow the golden rule or they don't.

Michael C. Ray
January 1st, 2015, 10:26 PM
I am going to need to agree with #2, going to work on #3 tomorrow

However with some "TEST" footage I have shot. this Camera in my opinion has some
serious lens issues ... Major stutter on zoom, huge rolling on slow pans

Going to set up some lighting tomorrow and shoot some footage with correct lighting in
full auto mode, and manual mode ...

Thanks for everyone's input

Les Wilson
January 2nd, 2015, 04:59 AM
Much has been written on the stuttering zoom so that's to be expected. I suggest before you test focus that you read up on how the EX1R auto focus works. There are several modes and it's not like simple systems of the past.

Michael C. Ray
January 2nd, 2015, 06:55 AM
I have been reading everything I can,

I understand the stutter is a concern on these cameras, I simply did not realize is was this
bad of a concern.

Any direction on "How the Autofocus works" reading? I can not seem to find anything noted
to directly that .....

If you are speaking of what is in the manual and the AF - AF/MF - MF I have read several times
no real "Detail"...

Dave Sperling
January 2nd, 2015, 10:06 AM
In my experience, the zoom stutter can vary greatly from one specific EX 1/1R/3 series camera to another. One of the reasons to test the specific unit before purchasing. The zoom on my EX1 has always been extremely smooth (using the rocker or a Zoe controller), but I've used others' cameras that have had significant stuttering zoom issues.

Not sure why you would see rolling on slow pans -- normally it's on fast pans where you see rolling shutter issues. What frame rate/ shutter speed (angle) combination are you using?

I'm not clear what you mean by limited range of focus? One possible issue with under-maintained EX1s or ones that travel a lot is that if the retaining ring for the front lens element becomes loose over time (or in transit) the front element positioning shifts slightly and even a very small shift can have a serious impact on your focus range. After about 4 years mine loosened up and suddenly the max focus for the lens was about 12'. I found a posting in the forums that helped me diagnose the problem - it was a 30 second fix!

Les Wilson
January 3rd, 2015, 08:14 AM
As others have explained, there are a couple things that could be what you are experiencing wrt focus. The first thing that came to my mind from your description is the EX1R's helper mode. When in auto focus mode, the EX1R lets you, the human, tweak the focus. But if you go too far, you are fighting the auto focus. So knowing what mode you are in is all I meant. I think the manual accomplishes that but I haven't looked at it in years.

What happens exactly when you are in full manual mode where the focus ring travel has stops? Can you pull focus from 3' to 30'?

I thought the inability to do a long slow pull like I could on previous cameras would be a downer. There are so many things I love about the EX1R that I went with it anyway. I've never missed that capability.

Michael C. Ray
January 3rd, 2015, 05:06 PM
Sorry for the delays ..

Wife has me on paint duties this weekend ...

Jack Zhang
January 4th, 2015, 09:35 AM
I guess what people are referring to is if your MF mode is "MF*"

That is the focus assist mode, and not Full MF. It's under "MF assist" as the 2nd last option when you first open the "CAMERA SET" menu. Everyone was just making sure that was turned off. This mode activates autofocus in manual focus mode.

As everyone has been saying, snap back your focus ring to reveal the orange band and you will be in "Full MF" mode. If you're still focus hunting in that mode, do a backfocus adjustment, and see if the front lens element is secured properly.

Michael C. Ray
January 4th, 2015, 10:07 AM
Yes, Yes, I understand the focus modes -

and understand how each is set up / what position what needs to be in .....

I will probably send back to Sony to have the sensors / lens checked / LCD Monitor

Something is not right and I do not know enough about the camera to say exactly what it is

Without a doubt the LCD has a glitch itself ...

The response from the seller is simply "I never had these issues"

I am waiting on Sony to let me know what exactly they did check, when they received from the seller ..

To determine how to pursue ...

Until then I am going to purchase an AX2000 to get me back working ....

Jack Zhang
January 7th, 2015, 06:05 AM
It could just be that after disassembly and reassembly at Sony, and then during shipping/transport that it got roughly handled and a piece isn't connected correctly.

Try to find a local Sony service center if this is the case. We all know how UPS handles fragile packages by roughly dropping them into trucks.

Michael C. Ray
January 7th, 2015, 06:33 AM
Unit sent back to Sony ...

Waiting game now ....

Michael C. Ray
January 8th, 2015, 03:16 PM
Thanks for everyone's help / opinions and thoughts ..

Sony went through the camera with a fine tooth comb and:

LCD Sensor board replaced

Back focus alignment / adjustment

IRIS was jacked up / repaired working at correct F stop now as it should

Going to contact seller .... Because I find it difficult to believe he did not know about
any of these issues and for this kind of money / lost work / time I could have done a
lot better in purchasing a camera .....

I never would have purchased this if I had hands on inspection

But Sony says its all better now -

Thanks Again everyone

Jack Zhang
January 8th, 2015, 10:40 PM
Due to the nature of the camera's design, do backfocus adjustments regularly. If you transport your camera often the backfocus could go slightly off if it's jostled around during transport. (For instance, being inside a Pelican case on wheels and being wheeled through bumpy gravel)

Search the forums for how to do a backfocus (an "Auto FB Adjust") yourself, because you will need it over the camera's lifetime.

Jim Stamos
January 9th, 2015, 01:09 PM
cant answer auto focus issue, since i only shoot all manual on this camera.
as far as stutter on zooming, its a hit and miss with each unit. i was lucky with both of mine that the zoom was very smooth and i could do a slow crawl with mine.
good luck

Michael C. Ray
January 9th, 2015, 01:39 PM
backfocus adjustments regularly -- Like once a week? every other month ?

I will run manual 80% of the time also myself / found the concern going through
the camera upon arrival the first time

I will say Sony has been wonderful ....

Jim Stamos
January 9th, 2015, 01:59 PM
having to do backfocus adjustments regularly?
shouldnt be happening. did sony fix that ? theres also a navigation to fixing that yourself. theres posts here on how to do that.
once youve gotten all working well, its a great camera, ive shot tons of different projects with it from documentaries to short films to the always consistent weddings, which i tire of but money is too good to stop them.

Michael C. Ray
January 9th, 2015, 04:27 PM
Spoke with the seller:

His response to all of this:

None of this is his responsibility / He was honest and open from the start - I disagree

"It had been over a year since I used this camera so I was not aware of this issue." - Would have been nice to know from the start

He offered to pay for the LCD / IRIS repair - A little help better than none I guess

and I understand both sides are not being represented here, I have given no name out to avoid the BS back and fourth that
always develops when issues happen ..... I was simply trying to figure the camera out, thinking it was me not knowing how
to properly use it. Sony said NOPE the camera was jacked up ....

Jack Zhang
January 9th, 2015, 04:29 PM
Each time you believe the camera has had rough bumps while being transported from place to place is when you should do a "Auto FB Adjust."

No, this is not specific to Michael's issues but is a good maintenance tip to do once in a while because of the camera's focus mechanism design. The EX1, EX1R and PMW-200 all have this issue. The EX1 and EX1R require you to access the service menu to do the backfocus adjustment. The forum has that info.

If you have an EX3 or PMW-300 with a true mechanical full manual focus Canon or Fujinon lens that is not the one that came with the camera, this will not be an issue during transport.

Also, Siemens Stars are not recommended for your Auto FB adjust. Instead, find a flat textured surface and position the camera 3 meters away from the surface.

Edit: Oh yeah, that's right. If you are going to be using Autofocus, turn the MACRO switch on the side of the lens off. It helps in non-full MF mode too. Macro being on might explain some of the difficulty focusing trying to exit out of the near focus mode. The camera when using the MF wheel is normally very slow at exiting macro mode and engaging standard MF mode. If you are going to use MF, use Full MF by snapping the ring back.

Michael C. Ray
January 9th, 2015, 04:38 PM
Good information to know Mr. Zhang

Les Wilson
January 9th, 2015, 10:18 PM
Just to put my experience against the theoretical others have shared, I've had my EX1r for 3 or 4 years and traveled around the world twice with it. Always in a backpack but riding atop a roll-aboard through many 3rd and 2nd world airports and destinations. Haven't needed a single back focus reset.

Chris Hurd
January 12th, 2015, 04:04 PM
This board isn't eBay with all it's safety nets but the idea on DVINFO is that as a real name site, equipment is sold on the DVINFO reputation of the seller. When you resolve these issues and determine there was a defect with the camera and you bought it from someone here, that member's reputation is on the line and the community would be interested in knowing who that was.

Wait... this used camera purchase happened via the DVi classifieds?

Michael C. Ray
January 13th, 2015, 12:23 PM
Sorta of - I posted that I was looking for an EX1R, the seller contacted me in email that they had one for sale.

After spending the last 3 weeks trying to settle the issues with the camera, my thoughts and the sellers thoughts, it has been pointed out to me that it is entirely my own fault for handling the transaction in the way that I did.

I am done dealing with the seller, will write this off as lesson learned and purchase another camera ...

You can contact me through email if you want more information ...

Chris Hurd
January 13th, 2015, 02:01 PM
Well, I'm just very curious to know if the seller has an active account here on DVi.

Les Wilson
January 13th, 2015, 08:57 PM
I am also interested. I think we all are actually.

Jack Zhang
March 10th, 2015, 09:04 PM
Bumping this after a few months to say I'm getting identical issues with the LCD sensor board as described in this thread. It will happen randomly as the LCD is being opened. I guess this is a side effect of having a camera that's 700hrs operation time and closing in on 3 years old.

Tim Paynter
March 10th, 2015, 09:30 PM
Seems to me as we are being encouraged to buy "based upon reputation" that we should know who the seller is. The "not my problem' comment with the camera sitting for a year is as important to me as "this might be a normal camera problem" defensive comment. I am getting ready to acquire some equipment. It would be great to know who I am dealing with. Not trying to cause mud slinging, but you can't protect identities and then say, "we depend upon reputation".

Dave Sperling
March 12th, 2015, 07:21 AM
Bumping this after a few months to say I'm getting identical issues with the LCD sensor board as described in this thread. It will happen randomly as the LCD is being opened. I guess this is a side effect of having a camera that's 700hrs operation time and closing in on 3 years old.

Not sure it's such a simple equation. My old EX1 has exhibited none of the LCD symptoms at 7 years old and closing in on 1900 hours - and it still gets its share of use whenever I need multiple cameras.

Jack Zhang
May 1st, 2015, 02:00 AM
Just a bump to this thread, I've sent my camera in to have that board replaced. As I was sending it in, my camera stopped exhibiting said symptoms. Not taking any chances though, for it is most likely the previous owner of the camera in this thread had something identical happen where it happened once or twice, but then he ignored it after it went away, leading to issues for the buyer.

It's going to cost me $270CAD to get it fixed.

Jack Zhang
May 8th, 2015, 03:23 AM
Good news... It's now only gonna cost me ~$200 after taxes.