View Full Version : FCPX Updated: X70 XAVC Compatible?

Ryan Douthit
December 2nd, 2014, 07:14 PM
Final Cut Pro X dropped a new version today: 10.1.4. This included an update to the codecs.

I was curious if anyone had a chance to use the X70 with this new version of FCPX. I am considering picking up an X70, but don't want to get one if it has issues with Final Cut.


Scott Hiddelston
December 2nd, 2014, 07:58 PM
According to HD Warrior, no

David Dixon
December 2nd, 2014, 08:22 PM
No, they added native MXF import, edit, and export - nothing about XAVC.

Craig Seeman
December 2nd, 2014, 08:35 PM
So now the finger points directly to Sony.

Rob Hargreaves
December 3rd, 2014, 05:49 PM
I just bought Catalyst Prepare at 50% off so I can batch transcode the PXW-X70 to ProRes, but amazingly it seems like I first have to import (seems to be Transcode) into Catalyst Prepare, then Export - No simple Batch Transcode straight from the SDXC card???

Rob Hargreaves
December 3rd, 2014, 05:54 PM
I just bought Catalyst Prepare at 50% off so I can batch transcode the PXW-X70 to ProRes, but amazingly it seems like I first have to import into Catalyst Prepare, then Export - No simple Batch Transcode straight from the SDXC card???

John Nantz
December 4th, 2014, 01:14 PM
Craig -
So now the finger points directly to Sony.

I had talked to a Sony Tech Rep today and he understands that FCPX plans to suppport the PXW-X70 XAVC-Long GOP import with an update in January, 2015.

Since January is a long time I tried to find out if he thought it would be more toward the beginning, middle, or the end but with no luck. Thats the "plan" of course. The actual date is obviously always subject to some adjustment.

At least there's hope on the horizon.

Next question: what is a good X70 "go-with" cam? the X180, X200, or something else?

Paul Anderegg
December 4th, 2014, 09:41 PM
I just tried to import off the SD card with 10.1.4, no dice, files don't even show up.

Dragged the MXF files to the desktop, and FCP X imported them, but they are audio only, and say "unix" file type. The last time I saw the unix file type was from an HM650 JVC camera card from a TV station we get video from.


Christopher Young
December 5th, 2014, 10:28 AM
So now the finger points directly to Sony.

Not quite I believe Craig. MainConcept have developed the decoder for this XAVC-L codec of Sony's. All Sony Vegas XAVC coders and decoders have so far been written by MC for Sony.

It's now up to the NLE providers to arrange licensing deals with MC to include the decoder in their editing software or failing that get their own software teams to write their own decoders for their NLEs. Both Edius and Prem Pro CC 2014 with the latest updates can decode this XAVC-L codec so some have already come to the party by either licensing with MC or writing their own.

MainConcept's TotalCode has had this XAVC-L decoder on board since June this year well before any camera using this codec was released. TotalCode has the ability to transcode XAVC-L to almost any format you can imagine, including XAVC-I CBG in both 1440 and 1920 and XAVC-I VBR in 2K 2048, UHD 3840 and 4K 4096. TotalCode also has an efficient 'Watch Folder' setup for running batch conversions with XAVC or any other codec for that matter.

The amazing thing is that Sony's own Vegas Pro can't decode it. For what its worth, and this is hearsay, it is alleged, and I stress alleged, that MC are waiting on payment from Sony SCS before they release the decoder to them.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Craig Seeman
December 5th, 2014, 02:22 PM
Sony has said very specifically that they will provide the decoder for FCPX. Not rumor. Sony posted this in another forum. So the finger points to them.

Christopher Young
December 6th, 2014, 06:49 AM
I don't disagree. As I said Sony have to first get it off MC. Once they get it off MC then they can issue it to whoever they wish to. Even their own Vegas NLE coders. I just wish they would hurry up with it. It also sounds like it will be a decoder only. Probably no XAV/C-L coder. Having once been on their Beta test team I still get dribbles of info from them.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

David Dixon
December 18th, 2014, 07:54 PM
Still no FCPX plugin, but there is a new version of Sony Catalyst Browse - - it now allows batch Transcoding.

It's not on Sony's web site yet but can be found through the app. It's a bit hidden - open Catalyst, at the very top right click Options, then in the box that comes up click About, then in the next box click Check for Updates. Once it finds it you can download, install, and relaunch. The new version is and does indeed give access to the Transcode option even when multiple files are selected. In my haste I did not read the entire list of features/fixes.

Paul Anderegg
December 19th, 2014, 04:48 AM

The new version, which have just wasted an hour getting around, will only transcode multiclip mode to AVCHD. It WILL NOT transcode to ProRes, or XAVC on my Mac, but it will transcode to DPX, which will not work in FCP X. So I shot 30 clips on a story, and then another half hour transcoding to DPX to figure that out, now have to ingest via SDI.

What is the point of transcoding to a format you can shoot in camera if it takes 3 minutes per minute of footage to transcode? Pointless.


Paul Anderegg
December 22nd, 2014, 05:23 PM
OK, now a solution, turns out you can't use Catalyst Browse with 720p60 XAVC footage!

Anyone transcoding with Browse having a set-up issue? Everything I transcode has the blacks pulled up about 10IRE. On the histogram and on the footage, what is black on the camera, on the LCD, and on AVCHD, is bright gray once transcoded into ProRes by Browse. Have to apply a blanket 5% shadow exposure correction to make it look normal. See below for a raw then corrected version of a clip.

Craig Seeman
December 22nd, 2014, 05:50 PM
I heard from Sony again on another forum and again they say "soon" for the FCPX plugin. Catalyst Browse seems to be hell. I'd rather work with XAVC-L directly.

Paul Anderegg
December 22nd, 2014, 06:11 PM
Crossing fingers.

And CB on Mac has some problems, at least for me. Will transcode several files then lock. Some of the files will loose audio or freeze frame part way through. But it is workable for now.
