Dennis Turkmen
December 2nd, 2002, 05:33 PM
Is it possible to take sound effects out of a movie on DVD using a computer? If so, how? I want to avoid having to hold a microphone up to my television speaker to record them. I was hoping there was a program that would allow me to rip them from a movie.
Brian M. Dickman
December 2nd, 2002, 06:02 PM
I would expect you won't get a lot of replies from this crowd. DVDs are almost always copyrighted material, and not yours to take and use as you please.
You might try or a number of the sound libraries available out on the net to find the sound effect you are after, without violating someone's copyright.
If you do think you have rights to the work, please explain, and we might be able to help you out.
Dennis Turkmen
December 2nd, 2002, 11:33 PM
I'm using the sound effects for a short making I'm making. I plan on using the movie as part of my portfolio to get into college. I have no intentions of using it to make a profit. I made a war movie, so I need sound effects of bombs exploding and rifles being fired. I figured that a war movie would be the best place to find them. Any info on obtaining these sound effects would be appreciated.
Dylan Couper
December 3rd, 2002, 10:41 AM
I bought a sound effects CD a few years ago for about $20. Came loaded with gun effects. Check Ebay.
Rick O'Brien
December 5th, 2002, 11:00 AM
"I plan on using the movie as part of my portfolio to get into college. I have no intentions of using it to make a profit."
Dennis, respectfully it makes no difference what your intent is.
You still are not allowed to do what you want to do with (C)restricted material.
I have a sound effects CD with a few hundred sound effects, available at most computer outlets stores. Cost $8 US dollars.
-Galaxy of home office help .Wav sound effects-
It is really best to train yourself from the start to avoid "burning" desires that are illegal.
Don Donatello
December 6th, 2002, 12:59 PM
they have plenty of FREE samples at
December 7th, 2002, 12:13 PM
Brian and Rick:
I have nothing to offer here but I wanted to pop in and thank you for your sage advice to Dennis. I stopped visiting another indy filmmaker site because they were constantly soliciting advice (and giving it) on ways to pirate software.
Now, I'm not anal, but it drives me nuts seeing this happen. These are people who who want to profit from their own creative efforts, but they think nothing of stealing that of others. They even come up with many ways to justify their actions... or so they think.
I think Dennis' youth and (possibly) exposure to other people who do this routinely may have influenced his question. It looks to me like he really wants to do the right thing.
Which brings to mind the definition of Integrity: Doing the right thing, even when no one is watching.
Mark Austin
December 7th, 2002, 06:10 PM
I have found some surprising gems in the CD bargain bin Pawn Shops, K Mart, and Wall Mart, the last one (I loaned to Josh Bass) was $3.00 and it has "1000" sounds, all in all it's cool disc. PLEASE DON'T use copyrighted materal, someone has gone to a lot of trouble to make it and we should respect thier hard work. If it's not in the public domain it's not yours to use. There are plenty of other ways to do it, ripping an audio file is really just ripping it off. Maybe you could ask permission fom the filmaker to use it? I'll copy my CD for you if you like (it's all license free), it has great bombs, machine guns etc. ad nausium.
Mark Moore
December 13th, 2002, 11:20 AM
I found an sound FX CD (6000 Sound effects) for $10 at a computer show at our coliseum last year and have used it on the one short I completed. It worked out great!
In fact, we have another computer show this weekend and I'll look for more FX-CDs tomorrow!!!!