View Full Version : Encoding Of XDCAM EX

Bob Keen
November 6th, 2014, 03:39 AM
I am using Premier Pro's CS6 Media Encoder to re-encode my XDCAM EX footage shot using my PMW320 camera. The reason I need to re-encode is that I am unable to edit this particular footage using Premier Pro as it is of a football (soccer) match and I require a timeclock to run throughout the footage displaying the elapsed time in minutes and seconds. I appreciate that there is a way to get the timecode with CS6 to produce a running clock but it cannot display time from 61 minutes onwards, and shows it as I hour I minute.

The only program with a plug in for my needs is Pinnacle Studio and I want to import footage at the best possible quality. I am using the H.264 preset in CS6 Media Encoder and it is set to HD1080i 29.97 frames per second ( accounts for dropped frames causing sound to be out of sync).

Is this the best codec to use? It produces an MP4 wrapped file which imports perfectly well into Pinnacle Studio.

Thanks for any comments/observations that you are able to make.

Bob Keen
November 20th, 2014, 10:07 AM
I think I may have found the answer to my own question after much experimentation. I am able to use the H.264 preset with the HD1920X1080i at 25 fps selected and this produces an Mp4 wrapped file that imports perfectly into Pinnacle Studio and translates well into either a high quality HD file or DVD.