Bill Grant
October 24th, 2014, 09:17 AM
Hey everyone. I have been shooting a bunch with my GH4 and noticing something alarming. I'm getting very bad moire when I'm delivering 720p. Patterns on shirts, bricks, pretty much anything with the possibility of moire is going crazy. Seems like though, when I look at the source UHD footage full scree, there is no moire. But in any compressed footage or in the editor even at full quality in a UHD project, I get it. Can anyone help me resolve this question? Notice in the photo which is a full res screen grab, there is no moire.
moire test on Vimeo
Noa Put
October 24th, 2014, 09:21 AM
What program are you using to downscale?
Sander Vreuls
October 24th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Perhaps you could soften up the footage before downconverting?
Bill Grant
October 24th, 2014, 09:50 AM
Using Vegas 13. I would hate to soften an image since I'm shooting with this camera to get more detail and sharpness. right? btw, this is a 14MBps MP4 720p. I did render a UHD mp4 at 28mbps and the moire was still there. Not as bad, But strangely it's not in the source file.
Sander Vreuls
October 24th, 2014, 04:24 PM
While you may want the detail and sharpness as in 4k, detail requirements for SD, HD and 4k are different..
This is why 2/3rd inch broadcast cameras shooting HD have low pass filters in front of the sensor to limit the resolution, to prevent aliasing and moire problems.. You do not want detail and sharpness that you can not handle in the resolution you are outputting at..
Gary Huff
October 24th, 2014, 04:44 PM
Though this is not for Vegas unfortunately, I had to use Instant HD to make the DVD master for this because some of the detail in the wide shots was causing ugly mosquito noise in the SD downconversion.
Where Snakes Roam
You might look into Virtualdub to help alleviate the moire. It might do a better downscale than Vegas, but it will require some tinkering, I'm sure.