Barry Hunter
October 23rd, 2014, 03:59 AM
I`ve just done some editing for a client, putting together her holiday videos & she was using a Canon Legria R306. The majority of the clips were numbered sequentially but there were a few with names i.e. places she had been & had spoken at the start of the clip i.e. "Here we are in St Peters Square" the clip was labled "St Peters Square"! I assumed that she had labled them when she transferred them to her portable Hard Drive prior to bringing them to me but she said that she hadn`t & wouldn`t know how to!
Question is, can this camera interpret what is being said & label the clip accordingly or does she have a friendly ghost? I`ve never heard of such a thing, any ideas guys?
Question is, can this camera interpret what is being said & label the clip accordingly or does she have a friendly ghost? I`ve never heard of such a thing, any ideas guys?