View Full Version : does yosemite work with fcp7?

Rob Katz
October 22nd, 2014, 12:23 PM
does anyone know if the recently upgraded mac os10.10/yosemite works with fcp7?

i look forward to real-world experiences or links to the same.

thanks in advance.

be well.

smalltalk productions/nyc

Dave Farrants
October 22nd, 2014, 02:37 PM
Still kicking the tyres but yes, it loads and works. Not given it a full workout yet, basic functions and plugins all seem to be working. I'd STRONGLY suggest you clone an existing working drive setup if you want to try Yosemite, with the clone you can go back easily it you find major problems. My setup is not reliant on the Yosemite/FCP7 setup, I use a 2009 MacPro with 4 internal drives, 1 with Yosemite/FCP7, 1 with 10.8.5/FCP7 and 1 with Mavericks/FCPX so I get the best of all options to boot to.

Daniel Epstein
October 23rd, 2014, 08:29 AM
Hey Guys,
I have been experimenting with Yosemite on my older Macbook Pro and FCP 7, DVD Studio Pro and Compressor work. One issue which has me pausing for a bit is my third party SSD Drive uses Trim Enabler which has issues with Yosemite including potential boot problems. It may be that I just abandon Trim Enabler for use in Yosemite and hope their is no long term issue with the SSD. After doing the install there is a screen which will tell you what software is incompatible so you don't really know what won't work until after you have created a system drive. Basically seems to have the same issues as Mavericks plus the Trim Enable issue. If you are using a regular Hard drive or Apple SSD this is not an issue. Here is a link which can be useful for this topic

Daniel Epstein
November 1st, 2014, 07:46 AM
There are reports that Motion 4 (FCS 3) doesn't work with Yosemite. Haven't tried it out myself yet. When I did a test install of Yosemite on my Mocbook Pro Motion was not flagged as incompatible link Trim Enabler. Motion 5 is not used for FCP 7 so if you are a Motion user you should have a back up plan.