Chris Harding
October 22nd, 2014, 01:50 AM
Hi Guys
I have done my last 6 shoots using the PP3 profile with the colour level pushed up by 4 points now and it's pretty close to ideal for me. I think I'll leave the cameras exactly where they are. Then again maybe things also changed because I'm exclusively on manual lenses too?? Anyway I can now leave the footage exactly as it is on the timeline in Vegas and colours are bright and punchy and skin tones both indoors and out are exactly what I need ... so I am rarely needing to change any settings on the Vegas colour corrector which saves tons of time ..When I have to render down to MPEG 2 for weddings however I still add a tiny bit of sharpening on the timeline.
I wonder if just raising the level up 4 points did the trick or the fact that I'm no longer shooting on the stock lens makes a difference. Whichever I now have my raw footage exactly as I want it
Aaron Jones Sr.
October 22nd, 2014, 02:58 PM
Hi Chris,
That sounds awesome. Would you be kind enough to post your PP3 settings. I know I should be able to just adjust the color up 4 points, but when i first got the EA50 I tried some PP's and messed around and they are no longer stock settings. So i would like to try you PP3 if possible to get the settings to make sure I can see it exactly the way you do. As you know I also get rid of my Stock lens and shoot manual.
If anyone knows how to get the PP's back to stock settings that would be very helpful to me.
I'm also trying to match my AX2000 PP with my EA50 PP. That is quite the task in post to try and get close with color matching. I would like to have a EA50 PP setting to match my AX2000 and one that I use when it is just the EA50 cam being used alone as one cam with all the sharp vibrant colors.
Chris Harding
October 22nd, 2014, 07:31 PM
Hi Aaron
Very simple! Push the Picture Profile button on the camera and scroll to PP3 and execute ... scroll to setting and execute ... scroll right to the end and select "reset" and execute and your profile is back at factory default.
My profile is the basic default except black level is set to "-2" (cos the profile was crushing blacks too much) Gamma is ITU709 cos it gives nice low light gain and Colour Mode is at Pro (same as Sony Broadcast cameras) I have set colour level up to +3 (I think default is 0 but I had mine originally on -1) but +3 seems to be just right!!
Once you have done the settings again you just go to "OK" and go back into camera mode by pushing the Picture Profile button again.
Aaron Jones Sr.
October 22nd, 2014, 08:22 PM
Hi Aaron
Very simple! Push the Picture Profile button on the camera and scroll to PP3 and execute ... scroll to setting and execute ... scroll right to the end and select "reset" and execute and your profile is back at factory default.
My profile is the basic default except black level is set to "-2" (cos the profile was crushing blacks too much) Gamma is ITU709 cos it gives nice low light gain and Colour Mode is at Pro (same as Sony Broadcast cameras) I have set colour level up to +3 (I think default is 0 but I had mine originally on -1) but +3 seems to be just right!!
Once you have done the settings again you just go to "OK" and go back into camera mode by pushing the Picture Profile button again.
Sweet! I will make this adjustment when I get home from work and try it out. Thanks for the factory reset tip. I have an event to shoot Friday so i may try it out there. Actually Friday is when i'm suppose to receive my dumb adapter with the iris ring. Hopefully I have a chance to try it out before the event so i can use it. This event is suppose to have a 3 time Grammy winning producer speaking on behalf of raise money for youth in the community.
Serggio Lamas
October 23rd, 2014, 09:25 AM
Hi Aaron, expect impressions from the adapter iris ring
Aaron Jones Sr.
October 23rd, 2014, 08:00 PM
Hi Aaron, expect impressions from the adapter iris ring
Hi Serggio, I'm not sure what you mean by impressions. Are you referring to cropping? As I was coming it to work today I get the text from FedEx that my adapter was delivered. So I get to home today after work and give it a go.
Chris Harding
October 23rd, 2014, 08:44 PM
Maybe a review?? Gosh it's just a dumb adapter so not much can go wrong with it but I guess it's good to know that the adapter goes onto the camera nicely as well as the lens and the ring works smoothly.
My cheap adapter needed a small amount of work on the flanges with an emery board so it fitted the camera side. The flange thickness is very critical so if it appears too tight just take a minute amount of material off the flanges so it go onto the camera without being too tight.