View Full Version : A7S S-Log footage

Matt Thomas
October 13th, 2014, 02:29 PM
Does anyone have any footage from a A7S, just wanted to see how the footage holds up to grading, etc?

Because it seems the output through HDMI won't allow true S-Log by the comments I've seen, so wanted to see how the in camera holds up to colour grading and how much leeway you get with it.

Christopher Young
October 14th, 2014, 01:11 AM
There are a couple of links on dvinfo where you can download A7S footage, 24p and 50p but I can't currently locate them. Seeing you are in the UK I have re-uploaded the 50p footage from one of the Dutch posters who kindly posted a link to this footage originally. Included is an MP4 encoded at 5000 kbps where I had quick play at having a grade of the material. I found the footage quite solid to work with in spite of it being 8-bit.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Matt Thomas
October 14th, 2014, 03:10 PM
Thanks, I'll take a look. I was just wondering if with it being only 8 bit, it would be that good at grading, as it seems may struggle to get 10bit out of it with the current issue of the HDMI not outputting the correct range of the S-log to the external recorders.

Christopher Young
October 15th, 2014, 12:25 AM
The A7s has no ten bit capability. It is HDMI 8-bit only although it is 4:2:2.
If you are interested in how to handle and get the best out of the footage from the A7s Alistair has done a pretty comprehensive job in covering these topics.

Exposing and Using S-Log2 on the Sony A7s. Part One: Gamma and Exposure. | XDCAM-USER.COM (

Alister’s Blog | XDCAM-USER.COM (

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Matt Thomas
October 15th, 2014, 06:04 AM
Oh right, I thought it outputted 10 bit from the HDMI, guess not.