View Full Version : Sony Dual Battery Charger

Aaron Jones Sr.
October 2nd, 2014, 09:31 PM
Hay guys,

I'm looking at getting a couple of Dual battery chargers for my EA50 Sony batteries and I also have some LED lights that take the same style batteries that work really well. ( I'm looking to setup a charging station and I was looking at this charger on ebay ( I was not sure if the charger has to have a conditioner on it or not. I don't want to mess up my OEM Sony batteries.

Matt Bigwood
October 3rd, 2014, 09:41 AM
I still use the dual charger that came with my Z7 Sony AC Adapter and Twin Charger For L-Series Batteries

It doesn't charge them simultaneously but the LCD display tells you the state of charge etc and it can also be used to power the camera from the mains electricity.

Marlon Martins
October 3rd, 2014, 10:51 AM
Aaron Jones, that model is a ultra-cheap dual charger, the quality is very very low. DO NOT BUY THAT STUFF. i got the single bay model and it burned in a few uses.

please, only use genuine sony chargers. cheap knock-offs does not worth it.

Aaron Jones Sr.
October 3rd, 2014, 06:10 PM
LOL! Thanks Marlon, after looking at more options I ended up getting a SONY CHARGING DOCK AC-VQ1050B USED on ebay for $35 is good shape. waiting on it to arrive. I also got a cheapo charger just for my LED light batteries seeing that they came with a single bay cheapo and they are cheapo Sony batery knock offs. Here is the cheapo charger @ Amazon (

So now i have 3 LED lights 2 of which uses 1 battery and the third uses 2 batteries. With the single bay charger that came with each one and the double I just purchased I can charge all batteries at the same time.

I have the Sony AX2000 Camera and i use a NP-F750 Battery. I have the EA50 with the NP-F970 battery. The EA came with a single bay OEM charger and the AX came with an adapter to charge the battery while attached to the camera. With the Sony Dual charger I have on the way I should be in a better position when it comes to charging.

I hate when I have to charge one battery at a time instead of doing it all at once. I'm getting my charging station set up to be more efficient.

Steven Digges
October 10th, 2014, 10:37 AM

Most chargers that also work as a mains power source for the camera disable the battery charging current when they are plugged into the camera. They will not do both simultaneously. I would check yours carefully so you don't think you are charging a battery when your not.


Aaron Jones Sr.
October 10th, 2014, 01:32 PM

Most chargers that also work as a mains power source for the camera disable the battery charging current when they are plugged into the camera. They will not do both simultaneously. I would check yours carefully so you don't think you are charging a battery when your not.


Hi Steve,

Thanks for the feedback I have the Sony dual charger now. I just received it and i love it. yes it charges both batteries one at a time but that is great because i don't have to come and take one battery off then swap with the next one. it automatically goes to the next battery and begins charging.

I ordered more lights from Ebay, ( but here is the listing on Amazon. ( As you can see I got them $50 cheaper on Ebay. Anyway they take the Sony Style batteries. So my plan is to get more NP-F750 Batteries for lights. I like the SONY CHARGING DOCK AC-VQ1050B so much I bought a second one that is on the way.

So Including my OEM single charger that came with my EA50 and the 2 dual chargers i can charge 5 batteries without having to swap anything. to me that is worth it and saves me time. Especially when i got the Sony Dual chargers for $35 each.

Steven Digges
October 10th, 2014, 02:12 PM
The EA came with a single bay OEM charger and the AX came with an adapter to charge the battery while attached to the camera. With the Sony Dual charger I have on the way I should be in a better position when it comes to charging.

Hi Aaron, I think you missed my point. I was referring to the statement above, you made. Almost all OEM chargers/power supply units do not charge the battery "while" supplying power to the camera. They do one or the other, not both simultaneously.

Edit: Maybe I mis understood. The exception to what I said is the units that charge the battery by plugging the adapter into the camera do both. So, my bad, I am not familiar with the AX. I thought you were referring to your external chargers with an adapter that hooks to the battery slot. They disable the battery charger when hooked to the camera. ie: the system that came with your EA50


Chris Harding
October 10th, 2014, 06:30 PM
Hi Steve

On my EA-50 chargers it's not possible to power the cameras and charge as the switching between camera or charging is a manual slide switch which forces you to do one or the other.


Aaron Jones Sr.
October 10th, 2014, 08:12 PM
Hi Steve,

Yeah I understand. I was mostly referring to after I'm done shooting and have enough charging bays to charge all my batteries without having to come back and swap them, which to me is a pain cause time is never on my side these days.

I work 12 hours a day on most days at a factory. I'm also working 7 days a week when I don't have a wedding to shoot. And now I have been shanghaied to shoot and edit 2 TV shows for 2 of my pastors at church. So time is a premium right now for me. I have 2 more weddings this year and I will be taking a break from them til next year unless one pops up paying enough for me to reconsider. This forum is one of my past time enjoyments reading and learning from you guys. The threads here are pretty awesome ad i receive a lot help that makes a difference and alot of times cut down on editing time by applying what i learn here.

Anyway being able to charge all my batteries at once helps where I don't have to be cognitive of swapping them. My duals will charge one at a time but will still charge them both without any assistance from me. With the extra lights have the same style of battery it makes things a little easier for me. I only need one style of charger. I did order the one cheap charger from Amazon and i kind of regret it now that i found the Sony Dual for $35. The cheap charger was for my light batteries anyway and they cam with the little cheapo chargers to begin with. But I would have rather bought the $35 Sony dual instead though.

So now it is time to setup up a charging station...

Chris Harding
October 10th, 2014, 08:30 PM
Hi Aaron

Ok, I would like you to make a note for me about charging video light batteries in the chargers. Most LED lights use a generic battery which is the same size and even uses Sony model numbers but isn't a InfoLithium battery. My Sony chargers will charge my "Sony" light batteries but it seems that they only trickle charge them and it takes maybe triple the time for the charge light to eventually go off ....Also if I measure the voltage after 3 hours they are still fairly low but they do eventually get to terminal voltage in the end. It just takes maybe 3 or 4 times longer than a genuine Sony battery that I use in the cameras.

If you notice this, please let me have your comments and results? I was thinking maybe a generic charger might work better with these generic batteries?


Aaron Jones Sr.
October 10th, 2014, 08:50 PM
hi Chris,

Will do. I do however have a cheapo dual charger coming but i will try this out as well to see if it is the same as you say. I have found some NP-F750 batteries on Ebay for $25 each. I was thinking of just grabbing enough of them for my lights as well and use the cheapo batteries for back ups.

The cheapo dual charger is not scheduled to arrive until the end of the month it looks like (That Sucks!!). So I will have to try the Sony charger until it arrives.

Chris Harding
October 10th, 2014, 09:12 PM
Thanks Aaron

Appreciated. My Sony L batteries take a couple of hours at most but the eBay "el-cheapos" take the entire day so just wanted to see if you have the same. No big rush at all!

Aaron Jones Sr.
October 10th, 2014, 10:02 PM
Well Chris,

I have a big wedding tomorrow. I have the honor of shooting the Middle Weight Boxing Champion of the World Anthony Dirrell's wedding. So afterwards I will take note of charging times.

Chris Harding
October 11th, 2014, 01:30 AM
Awesome! That will be a feather in your cap! Make sure you make a big deal about it on your website ..brides love videographers who do celebrity weddings ,,that will get you more bookings

Christopher Young
October 11th, 2014, 08:59 AM
please, only use genuine sony chargers. cheap knock-offs does not worth it.

+1 on that.
I would NOT put my OEM Sony batteries on those el-cheapo chargers that don't have the IC to communicate with the chip in the battery. I don't mind putting after market batteries on the Sony chargers but as has been mentioned here already the eBay cheapies burn out. I think I have killed at least three of them on after market batteries over the last couple of years. Thought I might save a few dollars but how wrong I was. Only use OEM batteries and chargers now.

Chris Young
CYV Productions

Steven Digges
October 11th, 2014, 02:04 PM

Another thing to note is batteries and chargers on e-bay have a very high percentage of counterfeits. On the outside you cant tell the difference. The counterfeiters save money be leaving out important circuitry on the inside. Like the circuits that read the chip and so forth. You might think you have a Sony charger and it could be fake.

OEM batteries are so expensive most of us have tried to beat the cost at one time or another. For me, like others, I feed my camera nothing but Sonys. Lights are a different matter.

You will read over and over here that the best off brand guys have good luck with are Wasabi battery from e-bay.

Here is a Canon link with info on the fakes Canon U.S.A. : About Counterfeits: Understanding the Problem (


Aaron Jones Sr.
October 12th, 2014, 01:07 AM
Hi Steve,

Yes I did grab one of the Batteries that had NP-F750 and it was as you said. It did not have the info circuit in it. When I plug it into my dual Sony Charger it did not give a hour reading. It just had the flashing dashes. It only cost me $20 bucks and I can use it for my lights so that is a plus. Actually as I was reading your last post on this thread I went to get the info to the battery that I purchased from Ebay and found that it had arrived today by looking at the tracking. Went outside to get it out of the mail box and plugged it into the dual charger and no hour reading. Learning lesson! After getting my new lights in today (from Ebay for $125 each) (, which are freaking awesome LED lights, I will maybe grab a few more for them if my test of this battery works out in my other lights first.

Steven Digges
October 12th, 2014, 01:44 PM
Enjoy your new gear. I hope your wedding goes well!


Dave Blackhurst
October 14th, 2014, 02:00 PM
That Canon "spot the fake" counterfeit primer should be a "sticky"!! While it is Canon specific, the basic "tells" are the same for Sony products... logos are "close", but "off", printing is poor, sometimes with strange spelling errors, molding is sometimes sloppy (plastics), little things that are "close" but not quite right...

Actually almost ANY Consumer product with a large potential audience (Nintendo cartridges... memory sticks and cards... purses, shoes, etc. etc...) can and probably has been counterfeited, buyers have to BEWARE...

Having dealt with plenty of fakes/counterfeits/knockoffs (different from 3rd party labelled products "for" this or that device), it helps to know that there are PLENTY of them in circulation...

One must keep in mind that if some crooks STEAL the trade dress of another company in order to give their "product" the air of legitimacy, they really DO NOT CARE if the user has something explode, catch fire, or otherwise damage expensive equipment... sometimes a penny (OK, a few dollars) saved is not worth the potential risks!!

Chris Harding
October 14th, 2014, 06:03 PM
I get emails that now go direct to my junk folder from a supplier in China who offers a Canon 5DIII (with a lens too!) for $125.00 that's not a typo either....$125 was on a subsequent email too!! He also proudly offers the big screen iPhone6 at the same price!!


Dave Blackhurst
October 14th, 2014, 11:38 PM
I've actually seen a "Canon" SLR looking thing... had the name, and I guess it would fool the unschooled... total piece of crap of course, but it SAID Canon on it, and someone paid SOMETHING for it... might have been a film camera, but I'm sure there are digital knockoffs...

Steven Digges
October 15th, 2014, 11:15 AM

About ten years ago I was thrown out of a small tourist type store in Times Square (NY, NY). In one of the display cases was a whole bunch of cameras that said Canon on them. They did not even come close to resembling anything Canon offered at the time. I was pointing them out to the guy that was with me and laughing about them. The guys behind the counter came over and were very angry about telling me to get out of their store immediately. They did not even ask what I was laughing about, they knew, it was get out NOW!
