View Full Version : Live Switched Shoot problem

Jack Smith
September 30th, 2014, 10:06 PM
I use to to do live switching of events all the time. In those days it was all SD 4:3 gear and no problem.
Now I would like to use HD cameras and while recording HD I want to output SD 4:3 to my mixers.
I have Canon HFS 21's but can't get proper 4:3 output( it "squishes" the 16:9 into 4:3.
Any ideas??

Edward Carlson
October 1st, 2014, 12:26 AM
Most consumer cameras won't do a center-cut downconversion, which is what you are looking for. It takes the center 4:3 image out of the 16:9 frame and outputs it in SD. What you're getting is NTSC Widescreen, which is anamorphic 1.21 pixel ratio, as in, the pixels aren't squares, they're rectangles.

There's likely no way to cheaply do what you're looking for. It would probably be less expensive to get some used Panasonic HPX300s and use the center-cut downconversion option on the video output.

Jack Smith
October 3rd, 2014, 11:37 PM
Thx for the reply. Just thought there might be a hardware device that could convert either the hdmi or component or even the SD 16:9 image to correct 4:3.
In post it would be simple enough but I need the conversion to go into the mixer 4:3.
Thanks again

David W. Jones
October 7th, 2014, 09:25 AM
Have a look at the Black magic design Mini Converter UpDownCross

Jack Smith
October 7th, 2014, 09:11 PM
Excellent. Thanks David. I have emailed Blackmagic.

Jack Smith
October 14th, 2014, 09:52 PM
Just to update. Blackmagic says i need to convert to SDI first then through the up/down/cross.
Might make more sense to opt for another new mixer with HD input on all cameras
Still looking for solutions.

Bruce Dempsey
October 15th, 2014, 03:41 AM
Have a look at vMix

Jack Smith
October 15th, 2014, 07:50 PM
Ok thanks Bruce.

Jeff Pulera
October 16th, 2014, 07:29 AM
I did recently get to try the vMix that Bruce suggested and it's a pretty neat software. Of course, you need to configure your own PC with add-in cards for video I/O, or buy a custom-configured turnkey system.

Depending on budget and needs, you might find the brand-new Newtek TriCaster Mini HD4 to be a viable solution. Has 4 HDMI inputs, 2 HDMI outputs, plus 4 other computer/projector outputs, and analog audio I/O.

Provides 4 input HD/SD switching, animated transitions, video playback, graphics/still stores, anim buffers, 4-channel ISO recording (to record all sources or combos of sources and Program, other options), live web streaming, social media publishing, MIDI control, 4 M/Es, Macros, Keying/Virtual Sets, etc.

The Mini is ultra-portable and is also the most powerful switcher of its type at any size.

Maybe overkill for your needs, perhaps ideal? TriCasters will allow you you to use HD sources and record as HD and SD at the same time. You would have the option of recording as 480i 4:3 (center cut) or 16:9.
