View Full Version : Anyone doing a "no disks" delivery yet?
Clive McLaughlin October 6th, 2014, 02:24 PM Thanks very much Danny and Roger. Very helpful info!
Did a recent survey with current bookings.
Showed USB examples and explained benefits and drawbacks. I gave the following options:
a) I'd rather stick with DVDs
b) Might consider USB if it were offered
c) Love them, order them now!
The results so far are about 90% option B, 5% A, 5% C.
I think people would go for it if I threw in one DVD disc, even if it was a generic, unpersonalised disc with company logo and a bog standard case at the bottom of the box...
Chris Harding October 6th, 2014, 07:03 PM Hi Clive
I'm not quite awake yet so just to confirm your survey with your bookings you are saying :
90% of brides would consider USB , on 5% want to stick with DVD's and despite the considering 90% of brides considering USB and 5% would actually order them.... Is that correct? I'm confused totally!
I would like to get brides opinions slightly differently like :
Would you prefer :
(a) DVD only
(b) USB only
(c) DVD and USB
I still think that DVD is considered the most recognised format and brides are most comfortable with DVD's so to keep them happy I think you do need to supply DVD's and then anything else that makes your product better. It is frustrating to shoot in HD and have to deliver in SD but what other options do we have?? I obviously would much rather have my weddings viewed in HD (gosh even 1280x720 is better than SD)
I see you have ONLY offered DVD and USB?? What about BD, media players, video books and other options??? Even if a standalone player is required as long as it's under $100 one could very easily merge the extra cost into a package without upsetting the market balance.
Chris Geiger October 7th, 2014, 12:06 AM My feature videos run 90-120 minutes. I include a16g flash drive with each package. That includes room for photos and video. I render to 720 and the file size is 8-11 gig. I use ntfs format. I charge $50 additional for each dvd ordered.
Clive McLaughlin October 7th, 2014, 01:00 AM Hi Chris,
Basically nearly all said they would consider choosing USB over DVD, one said definitely USB, one said definitely DVD.
So to me, I suspect they like the idea but have question marks over things like (Will it work on my tv? etc)
Like I've said before, many TVs and even some dvd players have had USB ports for years now - how many regular folk have ever plugged a USB in to view something?
I'd say less that 1%! Its just an unknown for them. If I were to launch it as a deliverable, I would need to accompany it with some video perhaps showing how it looks and what ways it can be used and viewed.
Like I say though, I'm certain everyone would be sold on it if they also received a DVD. The engraved silver USB stick in a presentation box will be the eye catching part (and future proof). The DVD by contrast could have an unpersonalised print/case/menu. It would become an 'add-on' like a freebie, or 'backup'. Nothing to boast about, but included none-the-less.
A batch of generically printed DVDs and cases with some 'weddingy' theme imagery and company logo would save a lot of the time and effort taken up by my current DVD production.
Chris Harding October 7th, 2014, 01:59 AM Hi Clive
Thanks for that! I would very much like brides to select USB for delivery (even for backup)
I am quite surprised that some manufacturers of USB drives haven't made a nice white one simply with "Our Wedding" on it ..Over here I can get them printed but I don't want to buy 50 x 8GB USB's at inflated prices and brides don't ask for them so the obvious answer if one buys custom drives is to make it part of the package ..the bride gets USB and a backup DVD end of story and no choices ..otherwise one could be stuck with a box od wedding USB's
My only minor complaint about this is dual rendering ...first to MPEG2 for DVD and then to MP4 for the USB .... if one supplied the DVD as a MP4 backup disk then we only need one render but of course it won't play in a DVD Player.
Andrew Maclaurin October 11th, 2014, 05:05 AM At a recent wedding fair I started asking clients. A lot said they would like a USB for themselves as they understood the loss in quality when using a DVD. Granny and her DVD player was the main thing holding them back but most said their parents had modern TVs. Mind you, I live in a big city where people have easy access to cheap TVs. Almost every house I film in has a beast of a TV and they are almost always in the parents' house. People in their 50s and 60s have no problems with USB TV technology.
Daniel Latimer October 21st, 2014, 06:03 PM For those of you who deliver USB, how many do you give?
Chris Harding October 21st, 2014, 07:51 PM I would assume much the same as DVD's ..3 sets so each parent gets one and the couple gets one. Are you going to supply disks as well or just USB drives. If it's just USB's then you need a fancy box to present them in so the bride at least feels she is getting value for money.
I always worry that handing over three double DVD sets looks impressive to match the price but a bunch of tiny USB sticks seems to be a let down compared to the money spent.
I think you definitely need to package it up more so it's more than just a tiny handful. Photogs give albums so I wonder if one might be able to have albums with cutouts for USB's inside and a few bridal pics taken by the videographer so at least the bride has something she can store the drives in??
Daniel Latimer October 21st, 2014, 08:54 PM I currently supply 3 DVD or Blu-ray, but I think looking at what other people give in our area I'm behind in giving out USBs as well. Still researching how many and of what.
Clive McLaughlin October 22nd, 2014, 01:02 AM The logic of one each set of parents I feel doesn't apply so much for USB though since its transferable data. Take the USB round to the parents stick it in the PC and transfer over.
Do we really need to provide three copies?
I'm currently in the process of getting custom USB packaging made up. Pricey but hopefully worth it. Three for each client would make it far too expensive to justify IMO.
My plan btw is to have bulk printed DVDs with some generic imagery and branding on it. So each couple will get a DVD too at the bottom of the box but I will describe it as a 'back-up' or 'hard copy'. It will be unpersonalised and a basic menu. This from my research will be enough to sway those with doubt to go with my USB package.
Roger Gunkel October 22nd, 2014, 03:24 AM I don't think the size pf the product makes much difference, it's more about creating desireability in the packaging. Think in terms of a diamond ring, is the bride going to be impressed with receiving it in a shoe box size package? Small can be beautiful and suggest quality and value if executed properly, so I am looking at jewelry style presentation.
Chris Harding October 22nd, 2014, 07:04 PM Very clever Roger!
I'm sure jewellers have plenty of suppliers of the furry velvet style classy boxes that things like necklaces and bracelets are presented in so that would be pretty much perfect for a USB drive and certainly would give it a greater perceived value for the bride. Plus of course it's far less likely for it to get lost too!!
I still cannot find a supplier with "off the shelf" 16GB USB drives that are already printed with the words "Our Wedding" on either a white or silver body. Photo albums do it so I still cannot fathom out why USB manufacturers don't have a stock drive like that? It gets mighty pricey when you are forced to buy 50 at a time just so you can have some simple text printed on the body of the drive.
Roger Gunkel October 23rd, 2014, 04:08 AM OK Chris, here is the answer to your prayers with a minimum order of 25. I am waiting for a quote at the moment. Promotional USB Flash Drives and Custom Memory Sticks (
Roger Gunkel October 23rd, 2014, 04:17 AM Here is another link for a company that we will be using for a massive range of boxes. Prices are very good, with a one off artwork charge of £35, then printing is included in the box prices. Boxes (§ionID=100)
Clive McLaughlin October 23rd, 2014, 06:18 AM I've been talking with Flashbay too. Ask them for a sample pack. Pretty impressive!
Very very friendly and helpful. Also being very patient with me as I'm trying to sort out some custom packaging before I place my order with them!
Chris Harding October 23rd, 2014, 06:29 AM Thanks Roger
What price did they quote you for 16GB drives that are customised??
Clive McLaughlin October 23rd, 2014, 06:47 AM I've been getting quotes for 8gb ones.
Heres a few quotes I got to give you an idea.
Kinetic USB(2.0) flash drives
100 x 8GB at £3.91 per unit ex VAT
Focus USB(2.0) flash drives
100 x 8GB at £4.09 per unit ex VAT
Chris Harding October 23rd, 2014, 07:57 AM Thanks Clive
That's pretty cheap ... However that's a whole bunch of drives to buy ..How long would those last you if it was your sole distribution method. It is going to be 400 out of your pocket instantly and they could sit on the shelf for quite a time depending I guess on how many the bride will get and how many weddings you do in a season?
A plain ole USB 8GB drive over here is just under AUS$10.00 for single units ( GBP5.47 each) which is more than you are paying!
Danny O'Neill October 23rd, 2014, 09:12 AM We use the Flashbay ones and so far so good. We went for 50 and are already half way through them.
Roger Gunkel October 23rd, 2014, 11:38 AM Hi Chris, prices each for their 16gb drives are 25-£9.11, 50- £6.48, 100- £5.86. Prices are before VAT and postage. Printing is included, either engraving, or printing and turnaround about 7 days.
As Clive said they are very friendly and enthusiastic.
Roger Gunkel October 24th, 2014, 10:05 AM Well, promotion and professionalism goes a long way with me, and after receiving this sample package from Flashbay, I was very impressed.
I emailed an enquiry yesterday morning, had a proof and prices sent through by yesterday afternoon and received this sample pack this morning, very impressive especially as I was only asking about 25 usb drives.
Chris Harding October 24th, 2014, 05:52 PM Thanks Roger
Absolutely critical to present well and promptly. I very much doubt whether you will even bother to look elsewhere now because these guys did their marketing professionally. I think we need to make sure that we also keep our presentation and promptness standards high for our products. A little extra effort goes a long way!
Travis Wilber October 25th, 2014, 01:24 PM If you go on there's a lot of handmade stuff for usb drives. Type in "usb wood" and you'll find a lot of unique things that might have the higher end feel.