View Full Version : Rewiring 5 pin stereo mic for dual 3 pin

Paul Anderegg
September 28th, 2014, 03:08 PM
I just purchased a Sony X70 camera with 2 3 pin XLR inputs. I already have an old Panasonic AJ-MC900 5 pin stereo microphone from a Varicam, and I wish to use this on my new Sony. I would like to desolder the 5 pin connector and replace it with a twin 3 pin set-up.

Do I just send right and left to each new connector, and they both share the 5th pin? Pin 1 is ground, 2 is CH1 (L) hot, 4 is CH2 (R) hot?

The microphone is a handy size, and has a stereo/mono switch on it, so I think this would be a good mic for a small Handycam size camcorder......and I already own the damn thing.



Petter Flink
September 28th, 2014, 03:37 PM
I rewired a Sony 5-pin stereo mic from a F350.
It's kind of a 5-pin version of the ECM-MS2.

I simply bought a premade 5pin-to-2x3pin cable and desoldered the 5-pin connector, opened the mic and desoldered the 5pin-cables from it and soldered the 2x3pin cable into it instead.
I had to fiddle a bit with the 2x3 cable though as it was thicker then the original one.

I saved this conf from this thread

Pin 1 - analog ground
Pin 2 - Channel 1 (x) Audio Out
Pin 3 - Channel 1 (y) Audio Out
Pin 4 - Channel 2 (x) Audio Out
Pin 5 - Channel 2 (y) Audio Out

But I think I did not need it as it was a pretty easy operation.

Paul Anderegg
September 28th, 2014, 04:32 PM
Thanks Peter. I just remembered I have a 5pin out to two 3 pin XLR breakout dongle which I used for the same Varicam's back end audio output terminal. I guess I can just use that as is until I get around to bonding it to the mic end cable. :-)
