View Full Version : Vegas pro 12 UHD + sony stabilize

Kent Karlsson
September 16th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Anyone else having problem to use sony stabilize on a UHD 3840 x 2160 clip,?
It works with 4K files but i prefer UHD, i Use Lumix GH4, uhd /mov
another weird thing with 4K when i drop it in the timeline the clip is 6 times longer than the audio and the last 5/6 are a still frame. i use vegas 64-bit build 770
Any thoughts ?

Kent Karlsson
September 17th, 2014, 09:29 AM
Solution ? It was one specifik clip that made vegas freeze, tried several others that worked just fine,
Nothing special with the problematic clip that i noticed.

Kim Olsson
September 17th, 2014, 03:51 PM
I had a similar issue, month ago...
No problems with freezing, but same about video was much longer then audio. I think it was when I added videoclip in different framerate then project settings into Sony Vegas 12...

If Im not misstaken, it was when I had a 1080/30p project and added 1080/60p & 2160p/30p to the timeline... The clips where taken from my GH4. Dont remember exactly which clip it was...

Just match project settings to match your videoclips.

I didnt research the problem because I though it occur because I mixed multi framerate clips to same project... And by the way, I did use 1st fw (1.0) by the time. Maybe the newest fw did correct this.

Just a guess from my part...