Rick Reineke
September 15th, 2014, 01:10 PM
DR-22WL and DR-44WL. Wifi and controllable via smart phone. New USB interfaces as well.
More new products will be announced soon according to inside sources.
Marco Leavitt
September 15th, 2014, 10:05 PM
I thought something had to be in the pipeline.
Christian Hagelskjaer From
September 16th, 2014, 01:23 PM
That DR-44WL looks especially interesting - depending on the noise performance. Claiming " the lowest noise level and richest sound available in a portable recorder" demands proof, I'd say. If it's as good as my Sony PCM M10 for quiet SFX recording, then I'd be interested.
That wifi-smartphone concept could be brilliant....except I'm on a windows phone...
Phil Goetz
September 16th, 2014, 03:28 PM
I LOVE this function for weddings and events.
Dual-Level Recording Feature Helps Prevent Overload
Product: DR-44WL | TASCAM (http://tascam.com/product/dr-44wl/)
Kevin Walsh
September 22nd, 2014, 06:09 PM
I wonder what the battery life is like with the WiFi turned on? I didn't see it in the specs.