Osmany Tellez
August 26th, 2014, 07:17 PM
I was wondering if somebody here was able to help me figure out why the tip of the lower spar where the weight screw in is falling off my steadicam Merlin. I was looking to see if maybe a screw fell off but i can't tell from just looking at it.
wondering if anyone here has one and maybe it happened to you or you can tell how it can come off...
thanks a lot.
Osmany Tellez
August 29th, 2014, 06:11 AM
sorry trying to figure out how to upload attachment
Andy Wilkinson
August 29th, 2014, 06:50 AM
Hi Osmany,
I have just had a look at my Merlin Steadicam and that area pictured in particular.
On mine the top of the grub screw is recessed about 4-5mm (1/4 of an inch) into the hole in the spar tube. This grub screw would need an Allen key to tighten/loosen (judging by it's head's central shape).
The good news is it looks to me like you still have all the necessary parts.
Perhaps try this. Remove the grub screw, put the weight supporting part (the bit at the top of your picture) into the end of the spar tube and then fit the grub screw from outside the spar tube via the hole. I am assuming that as you then tighten the grub screw it will jam the weight supporting part tightly inside of the spar tube and so hold it all into place. Or maybe the grub screw needs to be further out - so that it still engages with the threaded hole in the spar tube?
Hope this helps.
Osmany Tellez
August 29th, 2014, 03:30 PM
thanks Andy.
I will try that. sounds right..will try to tighten...
thanks a lot.
Andy Wilkinson
September 4th, 2014, 02:38 PM
You're welcome. Just curious, did you manage to fix it?