View Full Version : Another weddingvideo

Noa Put
August 25th, 2014, 03:26 PM
I thought I"d share the weddingtrailer from a wedding I just started editing, you"ll notice it's a bit different then most of the weddings you see :) This was by far my most demanding wedding this year, I had to get up at 02:30 at night as it was a 2,5 hour drive and I had to start very early and I was home at 03:30 so I was 25 hours on my feet that day. There where no speeches at the venue but I did not need those to show what a fun weddingday they had. Here my panasonic trio had been used (g6/gh3/gh4) and only for the ceremony my cx730/r10 where used, the openingsshot is interesting, it was shot with my cx730 in full auto mode, it was raining so I was holding an umbrella with my left hand and the camera in my right hand while walking backwards, it shows how good the stabilising is on that camera.
The music choice might seem a bit weird but it was a part of their weddingday, I thought I'd use it for half their trailer to set the mood. And yes, there is that dreaded blue neon like led light which caused banding in my image at the first dance, I tried all possible shutterspeeds but couldn't get rid of it, you have to admit, that smurfblue really brings out the best in people :)

Julie + tijs on Vimeo

Art Varga
August 25th, 2014, 04:21 PM
Noa - fine work!. I loved the gradual build up of the audio at the beginning. Good clear audio throughout - didn't know what anyone was saying but could feel the vibe. You had some funky stuttering going on with the slow motion shot at 1:50 - frame rate? I thought the music selection was great - especially the accordion. What the heck was that thing people were doing at 3:20 that made them sneeze? Nice blend of the b-roll of the animals and countryside to mix it up.


Adrian Tan
August 25th, 2014, 05:15 PM
Hey Noa, some random comments:

-- 0:27: the two TVs was a brilliant idea (the close-up of one screen, the bride watching the other). I mean, using them both allowed you to transition (from the umbrellas of opening scene to groom, then from groom to bride), and conveyed information about personality/told story about the day and what people were doing, thinking.

-- Some interesting dissolves on camera movement or blur. I've never done cuts like that before; or at least, not on that sort of camera movement.

-- 0:46: nice detail of the moving knee. It's interesting how people's body parts can often be more expressive about what they're thinking than their faces.

-- 1:14: mirror shot with the dress falling down over her shoes -- either nice anticipation, or nice staging. And then, after this sequence, looking at the wide shot of the room, it looks like you made quite a bit out of a cramped place without that many interesting places to shoot from. Restaurant with the accordion player looked like a cramped place as well.

-- 2:04: food shot -- I like the blurry stuff hanging in the background. I guess, in images generally, we often see out of focus stuff rising from the bottom of the frame, but hanging from top of frame is less common.

-- 2:24: reflection shot of bride getting food. Lots of interesting things going on in the image.

-- 2:25: interesting Dutch tilt on the food shot. I'm going to steal that.

-- 2:32: liked the through-the-chair shot. Lots of cool things about this shot. The framing, the harmonious colours, the depth in the image, the lines and shapes in the image, the positioning of couple at the intersection of different types of background, the pose of the couple, the couple's reaction.

-- 3:00 onwards: good matching of music with food. As the music gets more frantic and the food shots multiply, the combination seems to say something like "confusion of sensory delights".

-- 3:12: great shot of the bottletops; good eye for even noticing that pattern was interesting.

-- 3:22: What's that wooden clicking thing that makes them sneeze (around 3:20)? Some sort of old-fashioned drug equipment? :)

Phill Pendleton
August 25th, 2014, 05:53 PM
You really captured the joy of the occasion, felt like 'I wish I was there".

Noa Put
August 26th, 2014, 02:48 AM
Thx for the comments!

About that funky stuttering at 1:50, that's the joy of slowing down 4k footage :) I wanted that shot to end at a slowmotion one but 50% was not smooth at all so I thought, if it stutters anyway, why not overdo it so I slowed down to 20% just for the effect of it.

That clicking thing had some kind of powder on it that was shot right in the nose when they pressed a button, it was supposed to clear the nostrils and based on the reaction gave a strong sensation :) I"ll ask the bride what exactly the powder was, it was the first time I saw this being used at a wedding.

The Hotel room was indeed very small and filled with a lot of people so my shooting positions where very limited but I used it to my advantage by shooting between small openings or using the mirror on one of the cabins as extra angle, the mirror shot with the dress falling down over her shoes was luck, I was aiming for her dress but then she lifted it up exposing her shoes and made the turn :) I also did more close ups to enhance that feeling of being right there and it worked well with this couple as they acted as if I was not there, this would not work with everyone.

About the moving knee, I always look out for body language as it tells much about how a person feels and it doesn't have to be a face but like in my example a shaking knee tells the viewer she is nervous about what is going to happen which was who was going to be the first to say the vows, in the trailer right after that knee shot you hear them discussing about it where she says she wants to go first and he shouts louder he wants to go first. They where both holding a paper their vows at that moment. So there the knee shots gets a perfect place and explains why she is nervous. At my former job we had a workshop in emotional intelligent leadership and one assignment was how to read bodylanguage and how to know people where feeling, we did some kind of job interviews and they filmed us and then pointed out all ticks we had which was quite confronting, it gave me a new way of looking at people :)

All close up shallow dof shots in the hotelroom are with a g6 with a 25mm f1.4, my favorite creative lens and I had the gh4 with the 12-35mm for wider general action shots, it was very difficult shooting with the 25mm, it worked out this time but the angle was very limited and if something happened there was not much I could do and hope for the best, like that shot at 01:20 when they notice that a button was missing on her wedding dress, I actually was shooting behind them and focussing on a person that just entered the room while it happened, I couldn't zoom out and was afraid to refocus and maybe miss the focus completely so I didn't move and just let the reaction of the bride and bridesmaid speak for itself, afterwards I did find the reaction of the people I had in focus better with the bride all blurry in the foreground.

It's only that I don't like having no options in such a case, here it worked out well but often you can miss important situations if you use a non zoom lens, I have been considering the sigma 18-35 f1.8 with a speedbooster for my creative shots, I really like the 25mm but the sigma zoom would enable me zoom out if needed.

About the way I frame some of my shots, I"m always trying to force myself to look at a certain situation in a way to make it look more interesting, I have learned much from very good photogs who I see crawling behind, below and above objects to get better shots :)

I do find it a shame that I can't use live music online, the accordion player music was awesome and made me want to jump on the dancefloor as well eventough I never dance :) I was happy I found a matching accordion piece on envato, I just also got a reaction from the bride, she said "it's breathtaking beautiful", that's the first time I get a reaction like this :)

Noa Put
August 26th, 2014, 02:26 PM
The bride replied they used snuffing tobacco (hope that's the right translation) which comes in different flavors, that wooden thing they are holding against their nose has a small mirror mounted on it which allows the user to line up the tabaccopowder so it will shoot straight into their nose

Here is an example of such tobacco snuff

and here that thing to shoot it up your nose

James Manford
August 26th, 2014, 02:29 PM
Snuffing tobacco ... Lol awesome ... looks like something I would of done back in college with my mates for a laugh.

Fantastic video btw. Love some of the transitions you did.

Craig McKenna
August 26th, 2014, 06:16 PM
Congratulations on the feedback Noa! Deserved, in my opinion.

Opening shot: Love it! They're really getting hit with those tiny balls too! Poor couple! I think the shot works really well with the slow piano matching the slow footage.
Great storytelling with the weather and accompanying cards - tells us so much of days when we were children at a caravan park with nothing else better to do but to play cards (which I now love to do, strangely enough).
00:31, 00:36 and 00:40: Great use of foreground to reveal the story.
00:38-00:39: Incredible transition... I love this! Even though they're moving in opposite directions, the brown colour of the wood really meshes well with each of the shots and I really like it.
00:42 - 00:43: Another incredible transition... love this one too... especially the blur from pulling away from the bride and slowly transitioning (with a cross fade?) to again, the white of the curtain... makes you feel as though the shot from before ended on an all white sheet, yet it didn't - really clever.
01:06: Gorgeous white bulb of light in the background with the gorgeous white of the wedding dress that's off to the left of the frame... great storytelling again to involve the dress as the focal point over the bride... leading onto the zip up of the dress... nice!
01:12: Love the mirage that's created with the mirror!
01:20: The sudden stoppage of the music meshed with the surprise of the bride! No idea what's happening but the suddenness will probably lead to the surprise of the viewer, as much as to the bride - great idea.

Lots of great shots follow and I love the exhale of the groom before he meets his bride for the first time.

01:54: Great transition of the music, to the accordion and a change of location as well... great stuff and the transitions from the ornaments to the food etc. all great. This is the part of the film where it becomes really random in comparison to an English wedding - really cool!

02:31: Love the framing from behind the chair!

Lots of great animal and weather shots, leading to one of my favourites when the venue is introduced at 02:50 with the Blackbird!
02:57: Great shot with the glasses in the foreground! Don't know if you've seen it, but Susan Stripling on CreativeLive made some amazing shots using champagne flutes - including one similar to this!
03:00: Great shot of the menu!
03:12: Love the Coke bottle top shot!

... the drug shots...! :) Seems like the kind of reaction that pepper would give to you if you snorted it! Amazed that it has something to do with tobacco!

Great dance shots to round it out!

Great work Noa!!! As always.

Noa Put
August 27th, 2014, 04:26 PM
Thx :)

at 01:20 she lost a button from her dress, you see it in the following shot

I really liked this wedding, especially the location "t hof van commerce", such a colorful place where time had stopped, it was funny to see even bra's hanging from the ceiling :) Weddingsvideos all start to look alike and It's good to be able to add something different to my portfolio, this wedding is my favorite so far.

Noa Put
August 27th, 2014, 04:58 PM
Love some of the transitions you did.

They where not exactly planned while I was shooting, I was just doing some random moves and during the edit I saw that a few could be used a a natural looking transition. I have seen that Joe Simon often does these kind of transitions, usually slidermoves that go behind a wall and reappear into another scene.