View Full Version : Slow Motion in Davinci Resolve

Betsy Moore
August 3rd, 2014, 10:01 PM
So thanks to my new computer I've finally moved from Final Cut 7 to sampling three new editors before I commit: FCX (doubt it), Premiere Pro CC (using the trial version now), and the dark horse, Davinci Resolve 11 Lite for the whole shebang.

Curious thing is, as "primitive" as FC7 was, I could change frame rates drastically and was perfectly happy with the results. I'm sure the resolution took a beating but it still looked good to me. As I mess around with Resolve, the only option I can find is "change frame rate" but within that there's no "smoothing" option I can see. I've really gotten used to/spoiled by futzing with speed in post--and anyway I've already shot a project with that in mind so... is there some magic button I'm missing?

Shaun Roemich
August 7th, 2014, 10:13 AM
I certainly wouldn't call Resolve 11 an EDITOR - it is a colour suite with rudimentary editing capabilities.

And yes, I was at the NAB SuperMeet where it was demonstrated.

Great way to make simple changes but hardly a fully functional editor at this point.

Betsy Moore
September 11th, 2014, 11:29 PM
I agree. Gave Resolve 11 the old college try and was ALMOST won over but little things are still too sluggish and ill thought out--and there are bugs on the timeline. I did love, love, love, just clicking one button and switching from the editor to the world class color options--and I think that's got to be the way of the future--but for now Premiere Pro wins the sweepstakes.

Ironically, the editing even feels faster than the Resolve even though Resolve should theoretically be taking advantage of my dual gpu 2014 mac pro trash can far better than Premiere. I am going to give FCPx one real try for due dilligence and sentimentality--but hate the idea of roundtripping everytime I want to do real color/filter work.

Betsy Moore
September 11th, 2014, 11:32 PM
PS per original post question I did find finally find the warp stabilizer for slow motion--and it's spectacular--love it so much--and this is just my taste--but would rather shoot low frame rates in 4k and slow in post than shoot in high rates in standard HD.