View Full Version : My new, portable setup

Ed Roo
July 22nd, 2014, 09:01 PM
Anyone else using a PadCaster and iPad?

Mark Koha
July 23rd, 2014, 08:37 AM
That looks interesting. What kind of things are you shooting with it?

Ralph Gereg
July 23rd, 2014, 09:39 AM
That's a pretty neat setup. I had to laugh when I realized that one device on the top is a small light. My initial reaction was "why does he have a flask mounted on that thing?" LOL

Ed Roo
July 23rd, 2014, 02:00 PM
I do veterans oral histories. This setup will see use next week on the airport field and in a Winnebago that will be used as a field studio. Some interviews will be scheduled, others may be impromptu as I encounter individuals or groups. I am looking for a padded sleeve to store the PadCaster with iPad Mini. This is such a nice, small package to carry around.

Gary Huff
July 23rd, 2014, 02:12 PM
I do veterans oral histories. This setup will see use next week on the airport field and in a Winnebago that will be used as a field studio.

Do you have clips online anywhere? I would be very interested to see what the final produced piece looks like from this capture scenario.

Are you using any specialized software or just the iPad's build in recording software?

Ed Roo
July 23rd, 2014, 02:20 PM
The Apogee has an app [Apogee Maestro] that can be downloaded to the iPad to set the input/output audio.

FiLMiC Pro is the video recording app for the iPad.

There is a rumor that Apple is developing a video recording app for iOS 8 to be released this Fall.

FiLMiC Pro is very configurable. It allows three presets for quick configuration changes.

I don't have any video to post. I made a couple shots testing different configurations for personal use. Slow motion was interesting.