View Full Version : Best starter 3 light kit for EA50UH

Rod Chesnut
July 16th, 2014, 10:10 AM
What light kit should I consider for the NEX-EA50UH ? Last time, with my first DV cams, I bought a DeSisti Magis Fresnel and Wyeth Soft 3-Light Kit.

First question: Tungsten or LED?

This time I'm considering:
A. 4 x 800W RED HEAD Continuous Light with Dimmer Studio Video Lighting KIT
(cheap $400US chinese kit w 3200W dimmers)

B. 3pcs 500 LED Video Light Panel Dimmable Barndoor
With Caster Stands & Boom Set ($490)

Second question: Has anybody mixed tungsten and LED balancing all lights to 5600?

Chris Harding
July 16th, 2014, 08:04 PM
Hi Rod

The camera is really not the issue here. What are you shooting mainly? Will you be using just the stock lens on the camera or other lenses on an adapter?

I don't like the harshness of tungsten nor the cold light of LED's so I tend to use CFL lights bounced back into an umbrella ... they give a much softer light and don't get hot either. As already said it depending what result you want depending on what you are shooting but for general use I would still opt for a CFL kit ..but that's just me!


Scott Nocella
July 16th, 2014, 09:55 PM
A Cheap LitePanels Alternative? A Review Of The Zabolight LED Light Kit | Fstoppers (

This is the way to go. Spend money once and have equipment that will last. Having a good light kit is an essential.

Chris Harding
July 17th, 2014, 01:20 AM

I have tried LED's and don't like them! Not for main lighting anyway as they are just too darn harsh and cold. Yep, I use on camera LED's but only as a fill light.

I even tried diffusing them really well but the light is still cold and hard! I guess if you are doing a factory shoot then they would work but I simply just don't like the light on skin tones... sorry!!

The OP hasn't yet responded to what he shoots ...if you shoot sports video then you don't really need lights at all but if it's going to be stuff in a studio that's supposed to look soft and romantic then I would still give LED's a miss .. I love the convenience and battery power and man, they are really efficient but for people they still are too hard for me!


Jon R. Hand
July 17th, 2014, 01:39 PM
I agree with Chris, particularly with skin tone. Own several LED lights, been trying to soften them for over a year now. Nothing has worked for me. Have even called in lighting pros. Nothing has worked. CFL all the way!

Shaun Roemich
July 17th, 2014, 06:06 PM
I sold my 4 x 800w Ianiro Red Head kit 3.5 years ago and haven't looked back. My 5 Lowel ProLight kit went 6 months ago as well...

1000 LED panels by Dracast, Kinoflo DIVAs and rentals of specific instruments as needed cover my bases.

Chris Hurd
July 17th, 2014, 07:57 PM
Thread moved to Photon Management per suggestion.

Craig Chartier
July 23rd, 2014, 06:39 PM
LEDs are getting much better, however, cheap ones are not going away. If you can look at the Fiilex brand of LEDs single source fixtures, P360's and for adding softness to basic multi led panels look into using the AirBoxLights inflatable soft really does work well on panels.