View Full Version : The HC-4100 forbidden case!?

December 1st, 2002, 09:28 AM
Hi everyone

After I read many story's about a good case for a GL2/XM2, I feel that something is missing.

No one is talking about the orginal special made hardcase for the GL2, the HC-4100 (is it so bad??)
Canon made this case for the GL2/XM2, so I though everybody had this case, but because no one is talking about it, I guess I'm wrong.
(some pictures)

What's wrong with it (not to mention the price)?

I know a softcase is very handy to carry, but I am also looking for a hardcase, where I can put the stuff in when I'm not traveling with my cam. I was thinking of buying a hard and a softcase.

The (small) softcase will be used for the "simple" productions.
The hardcase, for storing the cam for a large time, and more proffessional productions.

What's your opinion about this case (except the high price)


Zac Stein
December 1st, 2002, 09:39 AM
I, as well as everyone i know avoid the canon case like the plague.

There is 1 very simple reason: a big flashy silver metal case with a big canon badge yells "steal me!".

Plus i think realistically they are a rip off for what they are. Difficult to carry, heavy and extremely noticable which is the last thing i want with an expensive piece of equipment in it.


Nathan Gifford
December 1st, 2002, 09:43 AM
I could not determine if the case is OK for airline use. One of the problems with these hard cases is they have the Canon "steal me" logos written all over them.

The big thing you want is a case that does not attact attention and you can carry into the cabin.

Other than that they are nice cases.

Graham Bernard
December 1st, 2002, 12:14 PM
Yup - same boat here.

I'm considering buying a standard Samsonite, lining it with ali, and then sticking that foam with - what Iwould call little mountain peaks - in the base and the lid. The theory is that the "peaks" of foam would "hold" the sleeping XM2 and locate other stuff around it. Of course I wouldn't just rely on the foam holding the system, I would have straps and velcro secures attached here and there.

In this way a Sasonite is just another Samsonite - Yes?

Just a thought - waddya fink?


Bill Hardy
December 2nd, 2002, 06:43 PM
I carry my GL2 in an oblong cam bag which looks more like a shaving kit bag, but with a strap. Before this I used to carry my GL1 in a butt ugly blue soft lunch box I bought at Kmart. I would carry my GL2 in there now but the GL2 is too long. It is much more water proof than a cam bag. I have always kept away from fancy bags and still have both my GL1 cams and my GL2. When they make a decoy cam bag that looks like a lunch box I will buy it. By the way, I think a metal lunch box may be the perfect thing if it is big enough; I think I will look into this...I don't mean the rectangular one; I mean like the ones steel workers and other workmen use; the ones that are cylindrical on the top but have a rectangular base; this old design might be the perfect deal. Hmmm. Don't know about you guys; but I've never had my lunch stolen, and I am not about to buy something for the sake of eye candy to tempt a thief. I had my favorite catcher's mitt stolen in grade school and it's not a good feeling. I can imagine what the feeling would be with a missing GL2...

Tom Christensen
December 2nd, 2002, 07:08 PM
I went to my local Home Depot and found a construction worker's lunch box which is heavy duty fabric with a plastic lining and a lower and upper compartment. GL2 went in perfectly and access. go in top compartment. Not elegant, but light, durable, waterresistant, somewhat resistant to temp changes and doesn't attract a lot of attention. It's made by AWP and sells for about $30.

BTW also picked up light kit with heavy duty stand and two 500 watt independent bulbs for $30. I got three and built a portable stand and hangar assembly for my green screen out of the two other stands. Send me a $1000 and I'll send you the plans (just kidding).

Home Depot - low cost video supplies.


Graham Bernard
December 3rd, 2002, 01:52 AM
Buddy! Laugh.... I nearly fell off my Director's CHAIR!

Buddy are you aware of the double meaning of a "lunch box" over here, in the UK? It's a bit like a "Six Pack" on a male - but a little bit lower down the torso - get my meaning? . . . .

"I think a metal lunch box may be the perfect thing if it is big enough; . . . .

"I think I will look into this...I don't mean the rectangular one; I mean like the ones steel workers and other workmen use; . . .

" . . . the ones that are cylindrical on the top but have a rectangular base; this old design might be the perfect deal. "

But yes, I know the "recepticle" you speak of. Fred Flintstone & Barney Rubble used to rush home with one. Yeah, that would be nice. I've got a couple of relatives coming to LA February 03 I'm sure I could pursuade them. - Tom, we have several "versions" of Home Depot over here - nice things for DiY and more serious building projects. I've seen the builders lamps and their rigs. Nice one!

I'll also "look" into somne of the toolboxes these places have. Big spaces; lots of removable compartments; durable and rain resistant plastic. However, could end up with the Xm2 being stolen 'cos someone thought it was expensive DiY drills and things ;) .

To you both - I agree with the "security" angle. I'm not getting an expensive box, with Canon emplazioned all over it saying "Steal-Me!" - Hell, at the prices I've seen for them, I'd have to insure the box itself! - I'd rather spend the money on another mic or down payment on a telephoto lens or a DVD + and - burner. Yeah?

Thanks guys for your feedback.


Dirk Goris
December 3rd, 2002, 10:52 AM
Is it possible to post a picture of the home depot lunch box?

Graham Bernard
December 3rd, 2002, 12:38 PM
Yes please...


Tom Christensen
December 3rd, 2002, 12:52 PM
I'll take a pic and post it tonight.


Bill Hardy
December 3rd, 2002, 05:30 PM
My Home Depot does not sell lunch boxes...

Tom Christensen
December 3rd, 2002, 08:42 PM
Here are the pics.

Sorry, I used the GL2 to take the pics but it fits in snug and the inner plastic shell is 'sticky' and keeps it from boucing aroung in there. I usually take the front shield off the camera to get a good fit.

I just saw them this weekend in our store. Check by the toolbelt section. Also check Lowe's (if they have them in your area). They have similar items and I know they have them as well.


Bill Hardy
December 4th, 2002, 01:00 PM
Wow, I could even put some sandwiches in the top level...for long shoots.

Tom Christensen
December 4th, 2002, 01:32 PM
Now you're thinking! :)


Bill Ravens
December 4th, 2002, 03:34 PM

I wan one with Mighty Mouse emblazoned on the outside.

Dirk Goris
December 4th, 2002, 03:36 PM
Thank you for posting the pictures. This lunchbox looks great. I want one to. How can I arrange this??

Pierre Petit
December 5th, 2002, 01:16 AM
Just tough id share on this one.
I use a laptop back pack (made by rackgear)I carry my lap top and using a long shoe box filled lined foam i carry my gl2 in the front compartment. The gl2 fits just right even with the wide angle and battery on. The battery charger fits on the side pocket.
I'm happy with this setup

Dirk Goris
December 30th, 2002, 06:18 AM
This is the link to the unsuspisious looking lunch box that Tom bought!
I'm still figuring out how I can get my hands on one being in Belgium.
Does someone know who the distributor for America is or if AWP has a webpage?



Charles Papert
December 30th, 2002, 03:13 PM
Lots of fun ideas!

I thought it might be worth mentioning that after many years of flying with up to 12 cases of gear in flight cases and Pelicans and the like, I've never had anything stolen in the process. I may just be lucky but...

Another FYI thing is that the airlines offer a media rate for excess baggage if you are in the industry. Usually just showing them a business card that says "cameraman" or something will do it, you just have to ask for the media rate which is generally $35 per piece instead of $50, this being if you are travelling with more than the allotted amount of luggage.