Chuck Spaulding
July 4th, 2014, 01:02 PM
As many of you know I've been quite vocal regarding the use of sUAV's for commercial work. Some have even accused me of being an anarchist not wanting any regulations of this activity. Quite the contrary. A group of us have submitted a petition to get some interim rules adopted until the FAA's final ruling and we could use your support.
As many of you are aware from discussion in this thread, the FAA has created a rule making committee for the development of the rules for using UAV's for commercial purposes.
For reference here are the entities on the FAA's rule making comitee:
• General Atomics
• GE
• New Mexico State University
• Raytheon
• National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
• Northrop Grumman
• Insitu/Boeing
• Rockwell-Collins
• Honeywell
• Aero Vironment
• Lockheed Martin
There is no representation for rules governing sUAV (small UAV's) being used for low to the ground industrial aerial applications. The FAA is moving very quickly to prohibit the commercial use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems, sUAS or “drones”, until a complete regulations document can be drafted.
Commercial sUAS operators have already been providing safe and affordable aerial services to a wide range of industries in other countries by following common-sense guidelines, many of which strongly resemble the current commercial sUAS guidelines in use in the UK.
This is not a fight with the FAA but a respectful assertion that the UK commercial sUAS regulations are a worthwhile way to move forward with sUAS integration while preserving the positive economic contribution that they are already making in the United States. We have a petition that asks the FAA to adopt the UK's common sense approach to these regulations until the FAA is prepared to make its final ruling on this issue. Our intent is to protect the rights of small businesses to operate and remain competitive in this industry.
Could you guys sign and pass along our petition to people you know have a vested interest in this issue and ask them to sign it?
Her'e the link:
Here's the petition:
Compel the FAA to adopt the UK's commercial sUAS standards immediately
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS or "drones") are already providing valuable services safely and for-hire to a wide range of industries (real estate, agriculture, public safety, etc)
The FAA's present interpretation (FAA-2014-0396) shouldn't seek to indirectly regulate commercial sUAS operations by better defining hobby usage
Commercial sUAS operators should be managed by an sUAS member-operator interest group to be overseen by the FAA
Peripheral issues such as privacy can and should be handled at the local/municipal level
Therefore, the FAA should adopt the UK commercial sUAS standards immediately so as to preserve the benefit of safe and low-cost sUAS aerial services for the tens of thousands of small business people that are already operating and employing them
As many of you are aware from discussion in this thread, the FAA has created a rule making committee for the development of the rules for using UAV's for commercial purposes.
For reference here are the entities on the FAA's rule making comitee:
• General Atomics
• GE
• New Mexico State University
• Raytheon
• National Business Aviation Association (NBAA)
• Northrop Grumman
• Insitu/Boeing
• Rockwell-Collins
• Honeywell
• Aero Vironment
• Lockheed Martin
There is no representation for rules governing sUAV (small UAV's) being used for low to the ground industrial aerial applications. The FAA is moving very quickly to prohibit the commercial use of Small Unmanned Aerial Systems, sUAS or “drones”, until a complete regulations document can be drafted.
Commercial sUAS operators have already been providing safe and affordable aerial services to a wide range of industries in other countries by following common-sense guidelines, many of which strongly resemble the current commercial sUAS guidelines in use in the UK.
This is not a fight with the FAA but a respectful assertion that the UK commercial sUAS regulations are a worthwhile way to move forward with sUAS integration while preserving the positive economic contribution that they are already making in the United States. We have a petition that asks the FAA to adopt the UK's common sense approach to these regulations until the FAA is prepared to make its final ruling on this issue. Our intent is to protect the rights of small businesses to operate and remain competitive in this industry.
Could you guys sign and pass along our petition to people you know have a vested interest in this issue and ask them to sign it?
Her'e the link:
Here's the petition:
Compel the FAA to adopt the UK's commercial sUAS standards immediately
Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS or "drones") are already providing valuable services safely and for-hire to a wide range of industries (real estate, agriculture, public safety, etc)
The FAA's present interpretation (FAA-2014-0396) shouldn't seek to indirectly regulate commercial sUAS operations by better defining hobby usage
Commercial sUAS operators should be managed by an sUAS member-operator interest group to be overseen by the FAA
Peripheral issues such as privacy can and should be handled at the local/municipal level
Therefore, the FAA should adopt the UK commercial sUAS standards immediately so as to preserve the benefit of safe and low-cost sUAS aerial services for the tens of thousands of small business people that are already operating and employing them