Gints Klimanis
June 27th, 2014, 11:43 PM
AirDog - World's First Auto-Follow Action Sports Drone is now on Kickstarter! Watch the video and click on link below - YouTube
Paul Cronin
June 30th, 2014, 05:51 AM
Very interesting Gints, thanks for posting.
Bruce Watson
June 30th, 2014, 06:07 AM
I hope these things can avoid each other when there are 20 of them following surfers at the beach. Or snowboarders down the mountain. And for that matter, I hope they can avoid the trees as they follow their masters. But the video only shows them in more-or-less obstacle free environments. Hmmm....
Well, we'll almost certainly get there soon enough. This is a heck of an interesting step. I sent this to a friend who plays Ultimate, and he immediately sent it to 20 other people. The demand is there, no question.
Dylan Couper
July 5th, 2014, 10:49 AM
I've never been more tempted to buy something off Kickstarter... And honestly it being on Kickstarter is the only thing keeping me from buying it.
Alister Chapman
July 5th, 2014, 12:04 PM
Not sure I buy everything I see in the video, for example the copter changing altitude mid shot or during one shot flying past the subject while panning and keeping the subject in the center of the frame. How can it know when to do a fly past? Also the perfect creative framing of the kite surfer and wake, how does it know to stay on the inside of the BMX track while following the riders?
Sure I can believe it's possible to create a follow me copter, but some of the framing in the video strikes me as more than possible without actually being able to see the shot. How does it avoid the trees in the bike in the forest shot?
I'm sure it's going to be a great product, but I'd like to see footage from a production unit before believing everything I see in the linked video.