View Full Version : Ted Ramasola

Bruce Phung
June 15th, 2014, 03:32 PM
hi Ted,

You seem to be the master in ML Raw. I have seen many of your posts here and else where. You have provided many technical detail of how to use ML Raw. I have few question and I need some help from you if you can. I got a 5D mrk III for about 6 months now, and I had ML installed since day one. I had ML mainly for the ability to change aperture/exposure etc on one button (the trash can) but I've not mess with ML raw recording.

While back ago, you post a link here for ML Bleeding Edge. I had downloaded onto my PC. Today, I finally decided to update the 5D mrk III firmware to 1.2.3 and installed ML Bleeding Edge. I did some raw recording at 1920x1080 with Komputerbay CF card 32gb and it records great, no drop frames. I had downloaded Raw2DNG onto my computer. I transfer the raw recording file into my PC and I drag the raw recording file and drop it onto Raw2dng. All, I see is a quick blink and close. What do I have to do to fix this problem. when I double click on Raw2dng, it did the same thing. The instruction I got from ML forum is this, see screen shot. I appreciated if you can help figure out of this problem. Thanks a lot.

ps. I got .mlv file. I did some more reading over the ML forum. Someone said that, raw2dng will not process mlv file?


Ted Ramasola
June 15th, 2014, 09:22 PM
Hi Bruce,

while my experience with ML is more extensive with MKII and the 7D, I've got a little with mkIII. Since your concern is with post processing, I might be able to point you to the right direction.

Since your using PC, I recommend you try these 2.

RAW2CDNG app by chmee;
The CinemaDNG Discussion (raw2cdng) (


MLVTODNG app by tonybeccar:
[WINDOWS] MLV to DNG Batch Converter v1.9 (;topicseen#msg98334)

the first one by chmee is more up to date, its got a drag and drop feature.
the 2nd one is also intuitive, you merely point the app to the folder containing the mlv files and set output.

Personally I use the one by chmee, since CDNG is much more storage friendly and compatible with da vinci resolve.

Get familiar with the app you like and feel free to ask if you encounter issues.

Bruce Phung
June 16th, 2014, 09:11 AM

Thank you so much. RAW2CDNG is a awesome app. It works beautifully, I am loving it so far. I am using the latest 1.5 beta version.


Ted Ramasola
June 16th, 2014, 02:36 PM
You're welcome.