View Full Version : Replacement flex cable for 14-140 zoom

Pedro Rey
June 11th, 2014, 11:07 AM
Hi guys, I am having a hard time
finding a flex cable part to replace a defective unit in my lumix 14-140mm zoom HVS014140.

I am currently in Costa Rica.

Any websites you might suggest to order ?
Already emailed Panny but no response yet.



Pedro Rey
June 12th, 2014, 09:36 AM
The lens is actually at a repair shop, which is how I know the flex is the problem.

But the repair person stumbled upon the problem that there is no orderable part number, and it is not showing on ebay.

So he basically told me that if I couldnīt find the part, he could not do the repair.

Panny already replied this lame answer:
3:37 PM (17 hours ago)

Dear Pedro,
I am sorry the Flex Cable is not supplied as a service part.

Mike D11
Parts Data Coordinator
Panasonic Consumer Electronics Company


Am I to assume that for an $20 buck part I will loose a $500 lens ?
Remember I am in Costa Rica, son not many local or even regional options... please guys a little help!!!

