View Full Version : Video designer day
Steve Bleasdale April 27th, 2014, 11:14 AM OK so its that time of year, we are working this season and decently busy but i am always in advance on my thinking. We usually have a designer weekend twice a year!! party, champers, canopies, video day, wedding dress day etc.
So i usually answer questions, give a little discount like a free DVD but i want to really consume the customer and dazzle them into buying me if ya know what i mean.
Cheesy DVD show reel discs and fluffy DVD covers not for me? or are they?. what would you do? knowing that 300 people are coming and you want 20 of them?
Chris Harding April 27th, 2014, 06:39 PM Hey Steve
Try asking your wife/girl friend? Let's face it the bride usually is the one that makes the decision, the hubby to be just pays! You probably do need to appeal to their feminine side and have an end product that will sell to brides rather than grooms. If fluffy DVD covers do the job then show then fluffy DVD covers.
Steve Bleasdale April 28th, 2014, 01:07 AM Thanks for reply Chris, i am doing a demo disk showing a little about the company but not going on to much? Bubbly and a trailer viewing for every one lights down and such. steve
Chris Harding April 28th, 2014, 01:40 AM Probably an excellent idea .. if you can validate the business so it places you right away from the so called "companies" that are weekend warriors that adds another tick to their "this is who we need to book with" which is what you want.
I see too many brides who have booked a photog/video at a bargain price and have waited nearly a year for the goods simply because the guy has a full on 9-5 job, plus a family to contend with and struggles to find any time to actually do post work on video because their life is full already. I always make a point about saying " we are a registered full time operation" not some dude working out his bedroom!
Maybe give us some feedback on what sort of response you get??
Noa Put April 28th, 2014, 01:49 AM What's a video designer weekend? Some kind of bridal show where all videographers are present?
Steve Bleasdale April 28th, 2014, 03:55 AM Sorry Noa i should have explained, my wife has a wedding shop and we are doing a designer day so i always go to the event where my wife shows all her new collection and mens wear. This time i am doing some kind of viewing for everyone to promote my business and i usually just give leaflets out but like i say i was looking for ideas and come up with a lights down viewing with bubbly and canopies and then show a demo disc promoting me and what we do...
Steve Bleasdale April 28th, 2014, 03:56 AM Probably an excellent idea .. if you can validate the business so it places you right away from the so called "companies" that are weekend warriors that adds another tick to their "this is who we need to book with" which is what you want.
I see too many brides who have booked a photog/video at a bargain price and have waited nearly a year for the goods simply because the guy has a full on 9-5 job, plus a family to contend with and struggles to find any time to actually do post work on video because their life is full already. I always make a point about saying " we are a registered full time operation" not some dude working out his bedroom!
Maybe give us some feedback on what sort of response you get??
Cheers Chris spot on mate...
Chip Thome April 30th, 2014, 01:24 AM If I understand you correctly, your wife gets "first crack" at presenting her latest for weddings and then after all her presentations are done it's "show time" for you, correct ???
If so, and seeing how it's your wife's shop and you will have plenty of time to set up or investigate your set up etc, for your demo show I would do it on the absolute biggest screen you can lay your hands on !!!
Think about what your competition shows demos on, tablets, laptops, 42" or 55" flat panels and now take those as your jumping off point and really blow these ladies away !!! Can you rent a great projection system and maybe do your demo "life size" ???
If they see yours on a huge screen and then get to view your competitors on a tablet, you are going to have made the big impression your competition is going to have to beat !!!
Steve Bleasdale April 30th, 2014, 07:51 AM Cheers chip u have read your mind
Noa Put April 30th, 2014, 08:12 AM Sorry Noa i should have explained
Wow, you are right at the source! Just need to set the right trap :)