Robin Probyn
April 26th, 2014, 12:26 AM
Hi there
I have a PMW500 and Ive never actually used it in FAT HD mode..
A couple of questions
1 Its 4 2 0 35 Mbps.. MPEG4..SONY XDCAM EX.. ?
2 Its FAT 32 (will divide files into 4 GB chunks ) . ?
3 I can format a HDD (for down loading) for DOS which will readable by a Window s PC
John DuMontelle
April 26th, 2014, 06:11 AM
EXFat is what I choose when formatting an external HDD destined for clients with video I've shot in FAT HD mode..
It will take you beyond the limit of FAT32 and still be read by both MAC and PC without any problems.
FAT HD mode will still divide the camera files into the 4GB chunks.
Everything is still easily ingested by any professional edit program.
Yes, it's 4:2:0 at 35Mgps in FAT HD mode.
Yes, it's MPEG4 Sony XDCam EX video.
Robin Probyn
April 26th, 2014, 07:33 PM
Hi John
Many thanks for your reply.. so the FAT 32 footage is ok in the exFAT formatted drive.. footage will be from PMW500..
Thanks again
John DuMontelle
April 28th, 2014, 07:21 AM
Yes, if original footage is FAT32...there is absolutely no issue copying it to an EXFAT formatted drive.
FAT32 has the 4GB limit issue. EXFAT allows larger files to be copied without the limit.
If you had files on an EXFAT formatted drive and wanted to copy to a FAT32 formatted drive...there is a risk that some of your files would exceed the FAT32 limit.
But, bottom line, EXFAT and FAT32 formats can be read by both PC and MAC.
Hope this makes sense!
Robin Probyn
April 29th, 2014, 02:16 AM
Ok got it.. many thanks