Mat Thompson
April 23rd, 2014, 05:51 PM
Hi guys
A quick question. If you use the the FS700 in - 25frm timebase you get a 200frm choice in the menu. In 30frm you get 240frms.
How does this have to be setup with the Odyssey.
Can the camera be in 25frm mode but the oddysey take 240frms in a 25frame timebase ?
Does it make any difference?
Dan Keaton
April 24th, 2014, 09:23 AM
Dear Mat,
The FS700 can be setup for NTSC frame rates, in which, in 2K Raw mode, 120 fps and 240 fps are available.
When not in NTSC mode, then in 2K Raw Mode, 100 fps and 200 fps are available.
The Odyssey7Q accepts all of these frame rates, there is no menu changes needed.
Of course, if the camera is in 2K Raw mode, then the Odyssey7Q has to be in Sony FS700 Raw mode.
Mat Thompson
April 24th, 2014, 09:40 AM
Hi Dan
Another swift and useful response.
So to shoot 240 at 25frms you setup in ntsc 30frm mode and then interpret the footage to 25frms in post ?
Dan Keaton
April 24th, 2014, 09:44 AM
Dear Mat,
The Odyssey7Q has a Project Frame Rate menu item that you can use to specify, prior to recording,
the frame rate that you want to use for Playback and for use in Post.
This is Record | Project | Frame Rate.
You can specify a wide range of Project Frame Rates for Playback and Post.
Also, the default is "Follows Input", where the Playback and Post frame rate is the same as the input frame rate when the take is recorded.
Mat Thompson
April 24th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Thanks Dan
So it sounds like the FS700 can be set to 240frms and the timebase/project framerate on the Odyssey set to 25frms. The delivered material would be in a 25frm project!
That is useful.
Dan Keaton
April 24th, 2014, 12:12 PM
Dear Mat,
Or 23.98, 24.00, 25.00, 29.97, 30.00, 48.00, 50.00, 59.94, and 60.00 fps may be set for the Project Frame Rate.