James Emory
October 5th, 2005, 03:07 PM
If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. It defies all laws of nature. The Animal Planet special, Heart of a Lioness, aired last night. Apparently a very young lioness's family was poisoned by farmers in Kenya because they were killing the farmers' cattle. Well, this lioness was so young and mentally underdeveloped because of being deprived of interaction with the pride, that some of its killer instincts were suppressed. The oryx was also very young when abandoned or orphaned and its instinct to run didn't imprint. They both nearly starve to death because they are inseperable and the lion won't hunt while looking after the oryx. It's the damndest thing you've ever seen! I didn't see the part of how it came to adopt the little oryx, but the footage of them lying together in the shade snuggling was almost comical. When watching this, you're always on the edge of your seat wondering when this lioness is going to figure it out and do the deed. Well, it has a dramatic ending that I'm not going to reveal and it's not what you think either. It also shows the use of a PD-150 or 170 for all of you Sonyheads. I know that I would have loved to have shot this but the suspense would have been unbearable and I'm not lion! I'm terrible aren't I. Anyway, if you can catch this, it is very interesting and said to be the only occurance of it's kind ever documented on tape. It doesn't hurt that the host is a real cutie pie too!
Heart of a Lioness
Heart of a Lioness