View Full Version : gh3/gh4/5d3 iso test

Andrew Dean
April 21st, 2014, 05:14 AM
Curious how the three cameras responded to higher isos, we shot the gh3, gh4 (preproduction) and 5d3 using the same lens and exposure for all three cameras. A lightcraft workshop vari-nd II kept the exposures as close to the same as we could get.

Obviously, the 5d3 has a full frame sensor where the gh3 and gh4 were at a super-35 / aps-c size, so the 5d3 had to be moved physically closer and has a much shallower DOF. This shouldn't affect an iso test at all, but I'm mentioning it for transparency.

Gh4 ISO test ft. Gh3 & 5Dmk3 | Hillbillygriptruck - YouTube

Noa Put
April 21st, 2014, 07:41 AM
Thx Andrew for this test! Exactly what I wanted to see, the gh4 seems much better then the gh3 when it comes to noise at 6400 iso, did you shoot at 1080p with the gh4 or did you shoot at 4k and then downsized to 1080p in post?