View Full Version : My latest property video

Jody Arnott
April 16th, 2014, 07:38 PM
Here's my latest property video.

Shot on a Sony NEX-EA50.

Rotorua Lakefront Property Tour - YouTube

Jody Arnott
April 30th, 2014, 10:15 PM
No comments? Any feedback would be really appreciated :) I'm always interested in constructive criticism as it helps me to improve my work.

Duane Adam
May 1st, 2014, 09:50 AM
I thought it was very well done Jody. With that said, I can give some perspective from someone who's done these for years but also who sells property and sees what works and what doesn't. The bar has definitely been raised and video that drew attention in the past won't necessarily generate viewings now. Realtors aren't anxious to shell out money for a production if it won't be seen and trust me they fully understand hit counters. Your video showed 59 hits when I looked at it today and I suspect several came from this site. I'm finding that it takes around 1,000 hits to generate an offer via video. I'm approaching this problem by trying to put something at the start of a video that grabs attention and gets people talking. Not saying I'm successful at it but that's the goal as "nice" videos are getting lost in the crowd. Here's an example of what seems to be drawing now.

2544 Butch Drive-Official Site (

It's a third generation render but all three drew around 600 hits during the first week which is an acceptable number for a real estate video.

Jody Arnott
May 1st, 2014, 03:10 PM
Thanks for the feedback Duane.

The video you linked is incredible. Can I ask what you shot it with?

Duane Adam
May 3rd, 2014, 08:26 AM
Thanks Jody.
Video was a Sony F5, stills Nikon D800 and aerial/underwater a gopro 3+