View Full Version : Bangladeshi reception

Adrian Tan
April 15th, 2014, 05:47 PM
Technical problems include: missed focus, underexposure, overexposure, camera shake, motion blur and gear in shot (including the de rigeur recorder strapped to the microphone). I know that Noa, if he ever sees this, would just be shaking his head all the way through.

But main things that bothered me are... Well, since it wasn't a typical full-day coverage (prep, ceremony, photoshoot, bridal waltz), the structuring felt different, and I kind of struggled with finding enough content to tell a story and have some sort of ending.

Anyway, any and all comments and criticism welcome.

Lisa and Nick (highlights 2) on Vimeo

Details of shoot: just me shooting; reception only; four cameras; I had time to set up some tracks and a jib, but didn't do anything interesting with them.

Other notes: I was using a Steddiepod on this shoot. It was kind of an interesting experience, but I don't think I'd do it again... remind me to eBay that thing. On the plus side, I didn't have to keep balancing it all day, and I could almost pull off stabiliser + pull focus shots, which would be impossible with a proper steadicam, unless you were flying a camera with autofocus. On the minus side, the steadicam-type shots just weren't as smooth as I'd want (lots of warp stabiliser used in this video, some creating some pretty bad distortion), and the Steddiepod head felt more fragile than I'd like.

Noa Put
April 15th, 2014, 05:59 PM
I know that Noa, if he ever sees this, would just be shaking his head all the way through.

no worry, your work is always outstanding, even if you think it's all bad :)

Jeff Dinges
April 22nd, 2014, 09:21 PM
The lighting was a little grim.... Welcome to south Asian weddings, where they want YOU to light their entire ballroom!

Craig McKenna
April 28th, 2014, 05:39 PM
Adrian, after the complexities you state in your initial post, I expected something that really didn't carry as a story, with really under-exposed shots; but I thought you did a great job and would never have considered otherwise! The story flowed and was captivating with the speeches, whilst you had lots of wonderful establishing shots, 'face time' of people enjoying themselves and otherwise, a great story of their day.

I loved the single camera that was high up and then sped up to reveal the amount of guests - a great establishing shot. I also felt the chairs were put to good use and the movement that was created going into the venue was perfectly shot too. The prep shots of the tables were excellent and the song choice definitely captures a great wedding. Loved the speeches that you chose, and the cuts back to the b&g, as well as capturing the shot via someone else's LCD on the camera and the rack focusing to the b&g. Lots of great reaction shots and the extreme close ups of the dances (especially at a Hindu ceremony) are amazing to see - I always find their jewellery etc. fascinating.

Great job considering that you wasn't invited to all parts of their day! It makes me think that if I ever went into this as a full time job, I would consider only offering a full time shoot. I want to capture everything; to create something timeless. But I guess every wedding videographer goes into it with the same sort of thoughts... only to realise that it's a business after all! Well done!

James Manford
May 3rd, 2014, 03:05 PM
The lighting was a little grim.... Welcome to south Asian weddings, where they want YOU to light their entire ballroom!


How so very true! ... I always get this.

@ Adrian - I liked it very much. Nice variation of shots.

Did you also produce a long form Adrian ?? What were the comments from the couple ... I would guess Nick would be happy, while she may also, but her parents would want some sort of long documentary edit showing everything ?

Adrian Tan
May 4th, 2014, 12:00 AM
Hey James, cheers for the comment.

I produced a "sort of" long form for this one. I mean, it had all the formal parts in full (entrance, speeches, dances), but none of the stuff in between.

These guys were a great couple -- unfussed, and the groom was very shy. I can't tell if they themselves liked it, but they say their friends/family did.

James Manford
May 4th, 2014, 03:25 AM
Yep from experience when it comes to south asian weddings. It's all about the 'family' approval not just the bride and groom. Where as with conventional western weddings as long as the bride/groom look stunning in the video they're normally very happy.