Derek Neustaeter
April 14th, 2014, 10:16 AM
I started out shooting weddings in 30p and have since moved to 24p for the last year. I like the look of the 24p but any slow motions or pan/tilts/glidecam seems to struggle slightly and doesn't look as clean. Does everyone stick with 24p throughout the entire wedding shoot or is there anyone experimenting with high frame rates? Would like to clean up some of these shots but not sure how to go about it?
Kyle Root
April 14th, 2014, 10:46 AM
I went from 60i to 30p.
I like 30p better personally. I shot one in 24p as an experiment earlier this year and didn't like the way it looked. Going to stick with 30p personally.
Gary Huff
April 14th, 2014, 12:04 PM
I shoot a lot of 30p for corporate stuff. I like the look of it and it makes these videos look a little different than all the rest of the 24p fare out there.
Invenio Solutions Recruitment Video on Vimeo
Nigel Barker
April 15th, 2014, 07:54 AM
It's only in the US & Japan that deciding between 30p/24p is seen an issue. Pretty much the rest of the world uses 25p which is indistinguishable from 24p.