View Full Version : Switronix TorchLED Bolt 220

Kyle Root
April 9th, 2014, 10:40 AM
Since these are on sale at BandH and are including the free battery and charger, I thought I'd get one to see how this LED light worked.

It came in last night, and I must say I'm pretty impressed with it. Instead of using it as an on-camera light, I want to put it on a light stand and use it to light things like first dances at wedding receptions etc.

Small, very portable, and a lot of light output for its size... I think it'll work for that.

I wrote a small review and my initial impressions here if anyone is interested in this particular light.:
Switronix TorchLED Bolt Review | KR Productions Blog (

Thomas Young
April 11th, 2014, 07:38 PM
I used the Torch all last year for reception dances. Extended by light pole up to about 12' , it's powered by a Swit D-Tap battery and lasts all night. I've been so impressed with the light output that a second was purchased for backup. To power it on/off from floor level I made a D-Tap extension cable with a rocker switch - saves having to lower the pole each time I need to turn it off.

Kyle Root
April 13th, 2014, 08:29 AM
Sounds awesome.

I did pick up a second TorchLED, 2 9.5' light stands, and 2 15lb sand bags last week.

Looking forward to trying it out.

Kyle Root
April 15th, 2014, 07:10 PM
Everything was delivered today!

I got a pair of Oben ball heads to use on the light stands (They came with the reducer bushings which is one of the reasons I picked them... the other they were $12 and rated to hold 6 pounds, which is about 3x as much as the Torch and Battery.

Funnily, I've never used light stands before, so trying to figure out how to work the legs was a little weird to me. lol They don't seem to fold up very easily. No big deal though. They are super nice and well worth the ~ $40 in my opinion.

The ceiling in my front room is 12', and yeah these definitely go to about 10' tall. To me, the light throw looks pretty good from that high up.

This should be perfect for lighting up dim Reception dancing and also Reception exits.

I got this setup specifically for a wedding I'm shooting in June at a location I shot at in 2013. There is literally no exterior lighting (save for like Christmas like string lights etc) at the Reception (it's all outdoors) and the exit area for the couple is along side a vineyard kind of setup.

We'll see how it all works.