Chris Harding
April 8th, 2014, 11:58 PM
Hi Guys
Just got sent this from the supplier. Looks quite interesting as it's a combination stedicam/shoulder mount rig.
Flexible Camera Mount|DSLR Steady Stabilizer Rig|Camtree (
Noa Put
April 9th, 2014, 01:09 AM
It looks the same principle like the easyrig which is ok for people that have backproblems and/or have to carry their heavy camera handheld for extended periods but for weddings you probable will become the center of attention and I can imagine people, once they had a few drinks, shouting, "look, there is robocop!", I"d prefer just a monopod, or handheld or my mini shoulderrig that goes with my very small and very light camera's.
Chris Harding
April 9th, 2014, 01:41 AM
Hey Noa
Yeah, they have copied the EasyRig but made it a little more compact so you don't have the arched pole over your head. Somewhat cheaper too.
I get called Robocop during photoshoots with my Stedicam and vest at most weddings!! I wonder how this would compare to a stedicam?? There doesn't seem to be any gimbal involved so there are only the springs to absorb any bumps.
I don't think that would be too easy to use in a crowded Church or Reception venue!
George Kilroy
April 9th, 2014, 02:11 AM
My approach on a wedding day is to be as unobtrusive as possible and not become a side show to the main event by looking like someone heading for a war zone. Not my idea of appropriate equipment for a wedding unless it's one where the bride and groom have given over the entire day for the benefit of the video. How anyone would act naturally in front of that is beyond me.
Clive McLaughlin
April 9th, 2014, 02:18 AM
When a company trying to sell pro gear uploads a promo video at only 720p, it sounds alarm bells for me.
I'd like to see an impartial review. These type of promo videos are almost pointless to watch.
Let us know what you think Chris - but i've never been a fan of any kind of handheld or shoulder mount.
Monopod or steadycam for me.
James Manford
April 9th, 2014, 02:43 AM
Had to laugh at that rig to be honest ...
We are already intrusive as it is if we have anything bigger than a DSLR at weddings ... and now if you're walking around with that vest on people will definitely be self conscious when your aiming that camera at them. And it will reflect in the video.
All camcorders should implement Sony's magic eye ball some how then we wont need rigs ...
Roger Gunkel
April 9th, 2014, 03:41 AM
My approach on a wedding day is to be as unobtrusive as possible and not become a side show to the main event by looking like someone heading for a war zone. Not my idea of appropriate equipment for a wedding unless it's one where the bride and groom have given over the entire day for the benefit of the video. How anyone would act naturally in front of that is beyond me.
+1 George, my feelings exactly.
Noa Put
April 9th, 2014, 03:51 AM
+ How would you control the camera when holding the 2 handles, this rig is also not in any way comparable with a actual steadicam, only the vest looks the same.
Chris Harding
April 9th, 2014, 04:13 AM
Hey Clive
I already posted my comments saying it would be impractical at a wedding. I for one certainly wouldn't get one ! I can imagine someone struggling down the aisle in a crowded Church knocking guests over!!
The Easy Rig would also be a no-no for weddings as it's also huge!!
I don't like the DSLR form factor (I have two Nikons but just for stills) but I like to shoot handheld and like the DSLR result which is why I use Sony EA-50's ..basically a DSLR in a camcorder SM body so I win both ways !
Arthur Gannis
April 9th, 2014, 06:21 PM
On the average wedding, I assume like most we pick up the camere and put it down like around 20 or so times.Can you imagine strapping that on and off that often or more?. Or would we sit and eat with it on and go out for a smoke with it on or go to the men's room with it on etc. Schlepping that around tethered to your waist ??
Chris Harding
April 9th, 2014, 07:35 PM
Hi Arthur
I'm juggling two cameras on a tripod and one on my shoulder so the handheld gets put down many times too as noted.
I remember a few years back I stupidly decided to use the 2nd camera on my stedicam rig to grab the limo arrival at the Church and all went well until I got to the end of the aisle and had to reframe the main cam on the tripod and just couldn't get to it!!! It's not easy to try and uncouple a dual arm and get out of a vest and get to the main camera before the priest starts talking! That was the first and last time I tried that idea.
I still use the stedicam BUT only on my creative videoshoot in an open park where I have time and no people around or second camera to worry about ! It then gets packed away until the next wedding!