Geoffrey Chandler
April 5th, 2014, 06:49 PM
So, I'm finding out how silky smooth 60P slowed down on my timeline can make some of my steady cam footage look, so here's my question. Do you seasoned wedding shooters have a system for remembering which clips you shot in 60P? Or is it obvious by the content of the shot - in other words, if it's steady cam, its probably 60P?
I know you can look at properties of a clip in the timeline but I was just wondering if anyone had a particular "system"?
Noa Put
April 6th, 2014, 02:36 AM
Yes, my system is to shoot 50p on all my camera's so I don't have to remember anything :)
I have 5 different camera's with me at a wedding and they all do 1080p 50p, I see no reason in shooting 25p ever again, 50p gives me smoother pans and the option for slowmotion if I need that effect.
Adrian Tan
April 6th, 2014, 04:23 AM
Obvious on my cameras because I can only do 50/60p at 720.
Noa Put
April 6th, 2014, 01:23 PM
Do you seasoned wedding shooters have a system for remembering which clips you shot in 60P?
What camera do you have?
Soumendra Jena
April 6th, 2014, 10:02 PM
Yes, my system is to shoot 50p on all my camera's so I don't have to remember anything :)
I have 5 different camera's with me at a wedding and they all do 1080p 50p, I see no reason in shooting 25p ever again, 50p gives me smoother pans and the option for slowmotion if I need that effect.
What camera do you use ?
My canon 5D Mark3 only does 50fps at 720p.
I dont know WTF, Canon doesnt give 50fps at 1080p for the 5D Mark3.
Geoffrey Chandler
April 7th, 2014, 09:09 AM
What camera do you have?
Panasonic GH3
It's super easy to flip back and forth between 24 and 60 frame rates and the Panasonic gives me 1080 in 60P. I was just trying to figure out how I would remember which clips I shot in 60. Or if it matters once I render to 24P.
Interesting idea always shooting at the higher frame rate so I could slow down any clip I want. My only hesitation would be shooting at 60fps requires me to shoot at 125/sec which would loose me one stop exposure.
Jeff Harper
April 7th, 2014, 09:56 AM
It would be very confusing to me to mix frames rates on the same card. You could go through them after the event, right click on them individually to determine which is which.
One thing you might try is to block the lens for a couple of seconds right after you start recording (for your 60p shots) which should give you a different looking thumbnail which might help you sort things out later. Otherwise you'll just have to invent a system for yourself so you'll know when you switched to 60p.
A hazard of the endeavor to mix frame rates might be to forget to switch back to your primary frame rate which would be a disappointment.
Personally I would pick one or the other, there's enough for me to think about when shooting let alone to have to deal with this kind of extra step.
Noa Put
April 7th, 2014, 02:55 PM
If you have a gh3 then I don't see any reason shooting in mixed framerates, eventhough according to the handbook you should shoot 1/125 shutter in 60p it's something that you don't have to, I shoot at 50p (pal land) and use a shutter of 1/50 (instead of 1/100) a lot and honestly don't see any drawbacks in doing so, when shooting outside with plenty of light I do shoot at 1/100 shutter but once I"m inside I shoot at 1/50 shutter all the time and it all looks great.
Noa Put
April 7th, 2014, 02:57 PM
What camera do you use ?
A gh3/g6/rx10 and a pair of cx730's.