View Full Version : Gopro protune LUT supposedly exportable

Arne Pursell
March 19th, 2014, 10:51 AM
Gopro Studio Pro kept crashing on me, so went back to consumer version 1.3...however received this email from gopro support...

"Hello Arne,

You do have access to the Protune LUT, but it takes a bit of a work around to access it.

Included with GoPro Studio Professional (and Premium) is an application called FirstLight. Use the Windows 8 search tool to find the FirstLight application.

Once FirstLight is running, select the ProtuneLook from the Look (3D LUT) drop-down menu. Then click on the 'Export' button to save it as an external .look file for use in other applications.

Let me know if you have any questions."

So I will give the protune pro studio another shot (sigh for nth time!) and see iff I can't export the damn lut. Iff successful will try and post here as would think a lot of people would find that useful (seeing as gopro studio still doesn't allow batch exporting). Yes I know I should do lut's and sharpening etc on a clip-by-clip basis, but c'mon iff you have hundreds of clips? That's what we have batch functions for...

Arne Pursell
March 21st, 2014, 01:18 PM
Hi iff anyone's interested, I actually was able to export all the Firstlight LUT's into .look and .cube files. You can apply them directly in Adobe Media Encoder (which is painfully slow for me even on a dual xeon system).
Unfortunately the whole CC suite just crashes for me as soon as I try to open any cineform .avi files. However, having the LUTS does enable batch grading! which gopro studio currently doesn't do (that is if gopro studio doesn't crash within 2 minutes). The (stupid me!) trick was to import a clip into firstlight BEFORE trying to export the LUT (trial version of GoPro Studio Pro), applying the LUT then exporting.

Thinking my workflow maybe to ingest into premiere or mediaencoder, batch convert to prores 422, apply LUT then batch export to h.264 for youtube upload....or something like that. Applying LUT directly to h.264 seems painfully slow....yet to see results in h.264 50 mbps....

Hope that helps for those shooting protune. Can upload the LUT if anyone wants it...

Colin Krieg
April 5th, 2014, 11:11 AM
I'm interested in that for sure!

Thomas Nibler
April 11th, 2014, 04:19 PM
sign me up as well! :) I've been looking for Protune-LUTs all over the internet....

Chad Dyle
June 6th, 2014, 07:50 PM
Did this ever happen? If so, I would love to take a look at it.