View Full Version : Contracts and things.

Kyle Root
March 14th, 2014, 11:02 AM
I'm curious, when you give your wedding contract to a potential client, how do you do it?

I mean, is anyone doing electronic contracts or still sticking to good ol' paper and pen.

I have revamped a lot of my contract this year, and I think it would be more convenient if they could fill it out electronically online maybe - I'm thinking like a fillable Acrobat PDF or something.


Roger Van Duyn
March 14th, 2014, 06:47 PM
I usually email them a PDF, then tell them to print it out, scan it, then email it back to me.

Chris Harding
March 14th, 2014, 07:11 PM
My overseas clients get a PDF yes! However when I visit local brides for the first time I take a printed out contract and a pen with me. There is nothing more positive than the bride physically signing the contract in front of you ...Asking them to sign an online one means you end up nagging them maybe half a dozen times until they physically get around to going online and finalising the deal.

I reckon where you can, get them to physically sign..then you know the job is booked!


Jeff Harper
March 15th, 2014, 10:25 AM
You can design a fillable PDF with Acrobat Pro if you wish.

Rob Cantwell
March 16th, 2014, 05:46 AM
thats the way I do it, i have a *.pdf thats fillable, i gather some info from them over the phone and in email etc. then send out the pdf and get them to fill in the blanks and email it back to me, this is important (i had someone print out the form write all sorts of conditions into it and then post it back which wasn't acceptable to me.)
When i get back the emailed form I print out two copies, then set up a meet where we go over the content and amend if required, before both parties sign.

Robert Benda
March 16th, 2014, 08:28 AM
I've been using DocuSign to do digital contracts for about two years, though I will probably stop using them and just use Adobe via email now that it's so easy.

Email contracts are wonderful, especially when combined with Square (or some other CC method). My new record for turn around time from 1st phone call (a referral) to officially booked is now two hours. It's just too easy not to use.

So far, out of 50 clients or so, two have printed the contract out and returned it the old fashioned way.