Finn Yarbrough
March 12th, 2014, 07:17 PM
This is a very rudimentary "unboxing" type test, but for all those who might balk at the idea of ordering two multi-thousand-dollar tripod heads "just to see," here are some comparative photos and my comments: Sachtler vs. Vinten - Imgur (
Distinguishing between the Sachtler DV-12 and the Vinten Vision 8, two high-end tripod heads that are very close in price and in weight rating.
P.S. don't worry about me, I can return the one that I decide not to keep.
Mark Watson
March 13th, 2014, 03:45 AM
Consider me captivated! Keep those comments coming.
Daniel Epstein
March 13th, 2014, 07:55 AM
Having both Sachtler and Vinten tripods in house I find myself relying on the Sachtler heads more over time. Sometimes Vinten's have a better performance for a particular situation but my experience is they are fussier to set up and their feel changes more over time than the Sachtler heads. Not sure this is still the case but figured I don't buy a new tripod as often as a new camera.
Finn Yarbrough
March 13th, 2014, 08:39 AM
That is definitely the conclusion that I have reached, based on the feel and performance of the two. I far prefer the Sachtler DV-12 over the Vinten Vision 8 (even aesthetically, as silly as that is). The Vinten beats the Sachtler in a few small ways (as you can see in the picture comments), but its limitations are too severe by comparison.
I am sending the Vinten back tomorrow.
Chris Soucy
March 13th, 2014, 03:47 PM
Interesting comments, Finn.
A couple of minor points I should make.
Both Vinten and Sachtler are actually manufactured in Costa Rica, in the very same production plant, notwithstanding their country of design.
The "perfect balance" knob on the Vinten quite likely appeared to be doing nothing because it requires 24 (yep, just counted them!) complete revolutions to go from 0 to 100% or vice versa, that's a heck of a lot of turns but also a heck of a lot of fine tuning.
BTW, as this control is wound up from 0 to 100% there is a gradual lessening of available tilt, from +/-90 degrees to something like +/- 60 (from memory, always dodgy).
As it is a brand new head, I should point out that all the controls get easier with use, brand new, the drag knobs especially are very stiff.
The apparent lack of leveling adjustment on the AS head is, alas, yet another problem with "mix and match" heads and sticks. I take it you didn't get a Vinten 100 mm set of sticks, would have worked fine if so.
Quite agree with your comments regarding the hopeless load point indications on the Vinten head tho', been bleating about that for many a year.
Zoran Vincic
March 15th, 2014, 11:56 AM
it's sure nice to have a fine control over counterbalance, however in a fast paced environment it can be counterproductive. Sachtler's system is nice as one can change preset values to accommodate different kits in a a matter of seconds.
Every system has pro's and con's and both Vinten and Sachtler make damn good heads, no argue about that.