View Full Version : Problems Recording new SXS Card On KAMR1

Chris Mendes
March 5th, 2014, 04:42 PM
Wondering if anyone else is having this issue. Got 2 new 32 gig SXS cards to use on my KAMR Recorders atttached to my HM 700 and 790 and they dont work. Cannot use my old 16gig cards since they are damaged. I was told by a JVC rep and JVC Engineering that it required a firmware update that had to be done at their Engineering dept. but its been a while and i haven't heard back from them. Any suggestions? Its urgent since many of my clients want the footage off SXS cards and not SDHC.

Shaun Roemich
March 5th, 2014, 08:55 PM
I've sent a message to someone I know at JVC.

Svein Rune Skilnand
March 6th, 2014, 03:51 PM
I have a JVC HM750 with the KA-MR100G attached. Mine is working fine with a 64 GB Sony SxS card now. The firmware was updated by JVC when I shipped them the camera. Mine was shipped to JVC in the UK as they handle all Nordic requests.

However there were a few settings in the menu to go through before I could make it work properly. Both on the camera and the recorder.

On a side note I had to go through both the instructions manual on the camera and the recorder and also on the CD that came with it to work it out.

There is a small cable hidden behind the battery compartment that provides the signal from the camera to the recorder. Are you able to confirm that the recorder is connected to the camera? It should show up on your LCD/ viewfinder. If the settings are wrong it will not work no matter what card is in th recorder. It should work with 32 GB cards straight out of the box.

Chris Mendes
March 6th, 2014, 05:28 PM
Yes the boxes have been hooked up permanently an the two cards i was using worked fine , but got physically damaged outside the camera. The brand new 32 gig cards i got wont work. Jvc did say they need the camera to do the up grade and woul tell me when to bring it in but its now been almost two weeks and no word.

Chris Mendes
March 6th, 2014, 05:31 PM
What really sucks is i've been such a proselytezer for the cameras, persuading my parners and clients to go JVC instead of the EX 3s.

Svein Rune Skilnand
March 7th, 2014, 03:47 AM
When I bought my recorder I was told that it would work fine with 32 GB cards straight out of the box, so that is a bit strange. However I would call JVC again and make an appointment to ship them the camera. Normally you should be able to send it in straight away. Not wait for them to call you back.

I used to own an EX3 and to my eye there is very little difference between them, considering the picture quality. I recently shot with the EX1R and my HM750 side by side and the EX1R was perhaps one stop faster. But they cut together very well.

The EX3 is a fantastic camera whereas the JVCs are a cameraman's camera. Sits nicely on the shoulder. The viewfinder is better on the EX3 though but the JVCs are just as reliable.

Chris Mendes
March 7th, 2014, 11:57 AM
Yes i love the camera too. i was originally looking at the EX 3 but encountered the JVC 700 at my dealer EC Pro in New York ( great folks by the way). had a conversation with Craig Yanagi and decided to go with two HM 700's. have since also gotten a HM 790. I like the look as well as the ergonomics which really makes it a shooters camera. The one stop difference between the JVCs and the EX doesn't matter too much to me as we don't do much low light. most of my corporate and broadcast clients seem pretty happy, though it took a bit of convincing with some of them. the condition with some of them was that i always recorded on both the SDHC as well as SxS cards.
which is what makes this frustrating. JVC engineering told me not to send the camera in till they said so and its been almost two weeks. wonder if Craig can step in if he's reading this.

Don Bloom
March 7th, 2014, 12:30 PM
JVC used to have a service center in the Chicago area but alas, no longer :-(

I thought there was one in the NJ area but I was mistaken. The only one I found is in California. Here is the link to the page with information about sending them your camera.
Factory Service Centers (


Chris Mendes
March 7th, 2014, 05:34 PM
I'm less than ten miles from their place in NJ but I've been told i can't just drop off they will call me back. that was about 8 days ago.

Don Bloom
March 7th, 2014, 05:38 PM
Wow, that's strange. I had a hard time understanding why they wouldn't have a NJ center but it wasn't listed so I thought they had closed it like Chicago.

Man if I were you, I'd call them again and then again until they give you the go ahead.

Good luck.

Craig Yanagi
March 7th, 2014, 05:53 PM

I spoke with an ex-colleague of mine at Sony and learned that there is a structural difference between SBP and SBS model media cards. From our discussion, the SBP model cards should work properly with the KAMR100G. Is this the media that you're using?

- Craig

Chris Mendes
March 9th, 2014, 10:29 AM
Craig, good to hear your voice on this. the new cards i have are SBS-32G1A.
Alan Rupert spoke to your engineering guys who told him it was a firmware upgrade that they needed to install in the shop. i"d need to bring the camera in, but they'd tell me when. no word since then despite repeated calls.
i am going to see if i can get my hands on an SBP card and serif that works. still would like o get the firmware upgraded though.
Whats my next step?

Svein Rune Skilnand
March 9th, 2014, 12:32 PM
Not sure if this is helpful but my card is a Sony SBS-64G1A card.

Chris Mendes
March 9th, 2014, 04:26 PM
Sven, i guess that would mean the SBS cards are usable with the new firmware in. Maybe i should just take the camera in to JVC and not wait for a call.

Svein Rune Skilnand
March 10th, 2014, 12:29 AM
That is what I would do. Actually you should be on their priority list when you arrive. If you are not able to record, then you are not able to get the job done. And if you are less then 10 miles from their service center it is only a short trip.

Chris Mendes
March 10th, 2014, 11:55 AM
No response today from JVC New Jersey! Craig??

Svein Rune Skilnand
March 10th, 2014, 12:59 PM
Chris. This is frustrating news. Did you call them or just drop by their office? JVC should be able to fix this. I had no problems whatsoever with JVC UK.

Craig Yanagi
March 10th, 2014, 10:25 PM

I heard from our engineering team that they spoke to you. We're they able to help you out?

Chris Mendes
March 11th, 2014, 01:55 PM
spoke to Duane, he says another of his folks is going to do the needful. Don't know when yet though. i do have a major 4 day shoot starting the 20th, I'm hoping i don't have to rent gear.

Craig Yanagi
March 12th, 2014, 05:37 AM

My understanding is that we have to obtain a jig from overseas. This may take a while since all hands are on deck for NAB. We are asking for the jig to be provided to us.

Have you tried recording with the SBP media?

Chris Mendes
March 12th, 2014, 09:03 AM
am trying to get my hands on a SBP card. hopefully tomorrow.
i understand about NAB coming up but its already been over 2 weeks. i guess it will happen when it happens.

There used to be a car company who's slogan was
".......... so we try harder"

Chris Mendes
March 12th, 2014, 10:37 AM
And of course i don't want tom bust anyones chops but i just want to be able to work....with my favorite cameras!

Craig Yanagi
March 12th, 2014, 10:54 AM

I can assure you that the entire product engineering team is aware of the need to have the KAMR100G jig brought in to the US as soon as possible. Your kind understanding is greatly appreciated.

Chris Mendes
March 12th, 2014, 01:30 PM
Wonderful. just let me know when the jig is up! LOL

Chris Mendes
March 14th, 2014, 06:41 PM
update from Duane the Engineer at JVC New Jersey. the special jig needed from Japan will arrive in two weeks. Well i guess i'll have to live with that.
Meanwhile tried a 32 gig SBP series card in the KAMR1. doesn't work either. So neither the new SBS series in 32 gig or the SBP series 32 gig work. My old 16 gig ( which i presume were the SBP series )worked till they were damaged outside the camera.

Chris Mendes
April 1st, 2014, 08:14 AM
Posting this her in the hopes of it being seen by Craig Yanagi or someone else at JVC. it been almost a month and i still haven't heard back from anyone at JVC about my firmware fix. Is the "jig " needed for a fix coming over the old fashioned way , by ship?

Gregory Murphy
May 14th, 2014, 01:36 PM
JVC kindly sent me the update file to let the SXS-1 cards work on the KA-MR100G. However the file they sent me had SXS1_Firm_820A as the root file which wont update the machine. I had to extract this file to a folder and then open it and copy the 'private' file to a sd card for updating. The root folder has to be named 'private' otherwise it wont begin the update. Was a bit scary when it wouldnt work but when i figured it out, it was no problem. Hope this helps somebody. It saved me having to send back 2 SXS-1 cards and buy the dearer SXS Pro.