View Full Version : Western Australia - Anti Shark Cull Rally

Tim Lewis
February 19th, 2014, 01:39 AM
This is a short piece I did yesterday covering the Anti Shark Cull Rally at the Western Australian Parliament House. I went down there to get some practice using my JVC GY HD111. One thing it certainly showed is that I need the practice. My focus was off a lot of the time on close ups and I need to get more comfortable using the camera in manual mode.

It was very interesting with all the press there. Bob has put up a photo in the SI 2K area. It reminded me of when I used to do press photography.

All in all it was a successful endeavour and I learned a lot about my camera. It was also an interesting event to cover and is worthy of local, national and international interest.

Anti Shark Cull Protest on Vimeo