Mark Carlisle
February 14th, 2014, 09:57 AM
I am trying to download footage from a Canon HV40 onto a modern laptop which has no firewire port and using a Pinnacle Movie Box version 14. The Movie Box is recognised on the laptop computer but there is no connection registered between the Canon HV40 and the Pinnacle Movie Box. The firewire/cables are all new and working, and HDV footage can be downloaded onto the desktop via usual firewire no problem. I have windows movie maker and photo gallery installed on both the desktop and laptop.
On the Canon HV40, the LCD screen when in camera mode, "HDV/DV" does appear on the blue screen but only when the Pinnacle Movie Box is also connected to the laptop itself as well i.e. not in isolation when connected between the Canon HV40 and the Pinnacle Movie Box only.
Many thanks in advance
Jeff Pulera
February 14th, 2014, 12:41 PM
EDIT: Didn't realize that "Movie Box" was a hardware device. Will stay out of this one since I'm unfamiliar with that hardware
Don Palomaki
February 14th, 2014, 01:44 PM
Do I undestand corrctly that you can connect the camcorder directly to a firewire port on your desktop PC and capture without problem.
However, if you connct the camcorder (without changing any camcorder settings) to the laptop via the firewire port on the MovieBox, you cannot capture?
Have you tried to determine whether or not you can see/capture the camcorder if the MovieBox is conencted to the desktop PC?
BTW: There are two settings on the camcorder that MUST be set to the record format of the tape - not jsut left on auto - for capture to work reliably.
Is anything else sharing the laptop's USB hub?
Mark Carlisle
February 14th, 2014, 03:43 PM
Don & Jeff
Many thanks for your replies.
Yes I can capture HDV from the camcorder onto the desktop computer via the fire wire card. I had to purchase and install a new fire wire card - SIIG 800 express card to do this thought. The old existing card would only capture if the camcorder was set to "DV locked" i.e. downgraded to non high definition.
To the second point yes, I leave the settings the same and it cannot capture. I even tried to change the camera settings to "DV locked" i.e. non HDV to see if that worked but it didn't.
Third point, yes I went through the exercise and the Movie box was also recognised on the desktop no problem.
Fourth point two settings, not sure about this ???
Last fifth point nothing else is the laptops hub. The laptop is a ASUS,running on Windows 8.00
The desktop is Windows 7 64 bit
The You Tube Video looks so simple - How to transfer DV to Laptop without having a Firewire port - YouTube
If it cannot be done it is no major drama but it would be a "nice" option to look at via the laptop.
The projects I am undertaking are typical short duration 1 minute personal sports (tennis) footage. I then edit on movie maker and analyse on Kinovea ( package. So it is very basic & simple compared to what most people do on this site. I used to use an inexpensive Canon MD101 camcorder and was I curious to view in HDV. Being old school I purchased the HV40 mini dv tape camcorder even though they are no longer in production. I made just 1 You Tube video with the old camcorder., you can see it if you look under "MC1961" - admittedly the quality is not bad.
Don Palomaki
February 15th, 2014, 07:23 AM
If you can capture normally using the MovieBox with the Desktop PC and Win 7, I would suspect a problem with Win 8 and/or the driver on the laptop.
Is the Movie Box fully supported with Win 8?
The laptop in the YouTube video appears to be running Win 7.