Chris Brown
February 9th, 2014, 08:15 PM
Im trying to figure out the best way to use the timecode to sync my footage in Vegas pro. I found a pdf on syncing video cameras by Chris Hurd but it would not download.
View Full Version : Info on syncing two ea50s Chris Brown February 9th, 2014, 08:15 PM Im trying to figure out the best way to use the timecode to sync my footage in Vegas pro. I found a pdf on syncing video cameras by Chris Hurd but it would not download. Chris Harding February 10th, 2014, 01:42 AM Hi Chris I shoot all my weddings with two EA-50's and also a GoPro and I simply sync my footage with the audio. I put both clips on the timeline WITH both audio tracks intact You can line them up pretty close just looking at the waveform then play the timeline and simply tweak the top track until the echo almost disappears ... works very well and no issues at all. Once they are in sync I simply delete the 2nd audio track and let the footage run with the main cam audio track only. Chris Richard Crook February 10th, 2014, 06:34 PM Im trying to figure out the best way to use the timecode to sync my footage in Vegas pro. I found a pdf on syncing video cameras by Chris Hurd but it would not download. Use the remote to zero the time code on both cameras simultaneously. See page 23: Chris Brown February 10th, 2014, 07:03 PM Thanks ill give that try. I shot some footage at the last wedding I photographed but not with both the eas I used hdr cx220 I know its a cheapo but just using as a backup right now. I could not seem to get the sound to sync with the ea and 220. So one remote will reset both ea's. Thanks for the help. So much to learn but I feel a bit better than I did 2 months ago. Chris Brown February 10th, 2014, 07:08 PM Either one of you want to trade places, were freezing to death up here. Always wanted to visit Australia and definately would take Texas over Michigan right niw haha. Richard Crook February 10th, 2014, 08:27 PM Ha! That's harsh up there. :) Don Bloom February 10th, 2014, 10:29 PM If the 2 cameras do not start at the exact same time then sync'ing by time code is a waste of your time. Simply start both cameras and sync in post using waveforms or a visual cue that is seen by both cameras. Chris Harding February 10th, 2014, 11:36 PM Hi Chris No thanks!! It's a balmy 30 degrees outside today (oops that Celcius BTW) and inside a nice comfortable 26!! You poor guys probably have the same temps but not Celcius!! Yeah, the cams have to start EXACTLY at the same time as Don says otherwise it's a waste of time. With me I have one EA-50 at weddings running before the bridal entry and also a static GoPro and they run the entire ceremony so they are easy to sync as long as you find a start point. I also do a 3rd cam sync but that will be just short clips on the 2nd EA-50 but again audio sync is easy. Assuming that all cameras are recording audio from camera mics and not recorders as long as you have some sort of audio (which is already in sync with the video) audio sync is really easy. Sometimes I might need to lift the rear camera audio a lot with volume level as the waveform is often too tiny to see .. Now, there is also nothing wrong with using an old fashioned clapper board... the "crack" as you snap it down records a very sharp and high level audio spike onto the audio track and that's really easily to line up! ... Doesn't have to be a big clapper board, of course, anything that makes a loud "click" will work! If you have a clapper board (or can make one) then stand in front of all the cameras and snap it closed. As Don says, you then have a visual cue, plus the audio one. The audio "crack" will peak on your timeline as a high level vertical line as it's a very short but loud sound so it's easy to spot! What NLE are you using ... lining up visually or by sound should be simple with most. In Sony Vegas I have never had a problem, even when I have a GoPro right up on the Church balcony at the back. If you are using portable audio recorders then maybe try some sync software Chris Richard Crook February 11th, 2014, 07:16 AM Yeah, the cams have to start EXACTLY at the same time as Don says otherwise it's a waste of time. This is incorrect. If you read the link I provided, it is very clear that if you set the time code to FreeRun, then the code keeps going regardless if your are recording or not. Ron Evans February 11th, 2014, 08:14 AM Using freerun this approach also works with syncing to NX5U and NX30U. Ron Evans Chris Harding February 11th, 2014, 08:52 AM Fair enough mistake ..I forgot about free run ...I never use it so it slipped my mind. I assume the cameras have to be at least in standby/pause with free run ... if you turn the camera off the timecode stops running I assume??? I guess it's worth a try but free run for me is a bit painful sync has never been an issue but I guess if you want absolute frame accurate sync then it will work for you. It just seems awfully complicated to have to use time code to sync unless, of course there is a specific reason My apologies for the error Chris Peter Rush February 11th, 2014, 11:06 AM If the 2 cameras do not start at the exact same time then sync'ing by time code is a waste of your time. Simply start both cameras and sync in post using waveforms or a visual cue that is seen by both cameras. That's all I do - I can sync footage from my EA50 and 2 CX730 cams in less than a minute Pete Chris Brown February 11th, 2014, 01:48 PM I'll probably give both these methods a try. Thanks for all the replies. I've been reading and searching as much as I can and I still have a long way to go. Using Sony Vegas 12 and trying to get basics down for now. Hopefully I'll get some sort of workflow down with time. DVDA scaring me now and I still have to research some lights, tripods and fluid head's. Then I will shoot as much footage from the weddings as I can to play with. Hoping to get paying jobs by late this year, this video equipment's adding up in a hurry. Thanks again Chris. Chris Brown February 11th, 2014, 02:01 PM Also forgot to mention that I will be using 2 h1's just for backup and maybe podium speeches. I also have a wireless system I was hoping to use on the groom. I have a lot of questions about the wireless but I'll ask that in the sound forum. Someday ha ha. Anthony Lelli February 20th, 2014, 10:37 PM Im trying to figure out the best way to use the timecode to sync my footage in Vegas pro. I found a pdf on syncing video cameras by Chris Hurd but it would not download. I use pluraleyes on vegas, now I use it all the time and it's perfect. it helps if you put the segments in chronological order and attach them in one big file using the MS-DOS copy /b before placing them on the timeline. it helps a lot. you must keep the original tracks (audio) (even disabled on vegas) , then click pluraleyes and it does everything and it's pretty fast too. pluraleyes came included with the zoom H1 but even if I had to pay for it right now I'd buy it immediately. After the D90 that made all the small sensor cameras obsolete creating some eyes-opening revolution, this little plug-in is the best thing that happened in my studio , for syncing 2-3-4-5 cameras , try it. it works. my last gig was a 4 camera concert, and I didn't have to worry about synchronization at all. what a relief, that's "progress" :) Chris Brown February 20th, 2014, 10:46 PM Sounds good. I will have to give the plural eyes a try. Thank you. Ron Evans February 21st, 2014, 08:29 AM I guess it's worth a try but free run for me is a bit painful sync has never been an issue but I guess if you want absolute frame accurate sync then it will work for you. It just seems awfully complicated to have to use time code to sync unless, of course there is a specific reason Chris That's the whole point of timecode. Value for the Sony's with freerun is that with the remote lots of cameras can be reset to zero in free run mode then started and stopped at will. Edius for example will then sync all up on the timeline for multicam edit. NX5U, NX30U, EA50.s etc will do this together. Not quite as accurate as a full genlock but close. Ron Evans Chris Harding February 21st, 2014, 09:16 AM Thanks Ron That might be quite useful at weddings so I can sync cutaways more easily. So to summarise you set both cameras to freerun and then point the remote at both and reset?? I must look at Sony Vegas to see what facility is there for timecode syncing as I don't use Edius. Sometimes the celebrant steps to the side to do a reading so I need to use the second camera so that would maybe be easier than audio sync Chris Ron Evans February 21st, 2014, 10:14 AM Yes that is correct. Free run then use remote to reset. This will reset both cameras to zero timecode and then they will run free from zero. Ron Evans |