View Full Version : DVD Authoring

Steven Davis
January 24th, 2014, 03:08 PM
Since I'm slowly making the move to more projects with FCPX, now I need a comparable DVD authoring program to DVD Architect by Sony. I know Adobe Encore exist. Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Nate Haustein
January 24th, 2014, 04:01 PM
Encore is a terrible, terrible glitchy program that probably won't even work on your current system. I needed to install a separate boot disk on my laptop with OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard just to keep it from crashing (I require the BluRay capability). On top of that, Adobe has declared the application EOL.

For DVD-only builds, I would highly recommend an old copy of DVD Studio Pro included in Final Cut Studio 2 or 3. It still works on my Mavericks edit machine and is a much more stable workspace than Encore could have ever been.

The photoshop capability in Encore is nice, but that's about the only thing it has going for it. I've been pulling my hair out trying to get some discs done in Encore that I know would have taken less than an hour in DVDSP. For what it's worth, I think that the MPEG2 encoding quality and speed is better with Adobe Media Encoder, but for actually making the DVD, there's really not a better option I've found than good old DVDSP.

Steven Davis
May 14th, 2014, 09:17 AM
Well, I ended up just saving the video file and shoving it back into DVD Architect by Sony. The current project I had just needed a 'auto' play dvd with out a menu, but the Mac software would create a dvd that linked to that awful menu even at end.

Thanks again. I'm guessing apple won't be changing their mind about DVDs.

David Dixon
May 14th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Yes, I still deliver a couple dozen DVDs every year. I've managed to get by because I still have an old installer file for the final version of iDVD. It still works flawlessly on the latest iMac with Mavericks. And, with the right settings, it still produces DVDs that look terrific on HDTVs.

I dread the day that it's broken by a system software update...

John Nantz
May 14th, 2014, 02:13 PM
The iDVD application is a good one and it accepts up to six items in the menu. It came with iLife and has been discontinued but if you can find an old copy somewhere there shouldn't be any problem loading it, plus, it would be free so the price is right.

Steven Davis
May 14th, 2014, 06:48 PM
It really is hard for me to take Apple seriously as a professional editing system when they don't cover the meat and potatoes of an industry.

Daniel Epstein
May 14th, 2014, 07:10 PM
Actually the business is moving on and Apple has moved on ahead of it. As others have said DVD Studio Pro runs on the latest operating system along with the rest of the Final Cut suite 3. A good reason to keep old software around. It is not just Apple. Adobe has end of lifed Encore which is their DVD burning software.

Steven Davis
May 14th, 2014, 07:23 PM
Actually the business is moving on and Apple has moved on ahead of it. As others have said DVD Studio Pro runs on the latest operating system along with the rest of the Final Cut suite 3. A good reason to keep old software around. It is not just Apple. Adobe has end of lifed Encore which is their DVD burning software.

Not to nitpick, but moving on while leaving a lot of practical applications for dvds is rude of Apple. I just finished a project that is going to be duplicated in the thousands for a client to hand out at trade shows. This is what the client wanted, dvds to hand out, it's still a viable application. The idea of moving on, trying to force an industry to move with it, well that's just the arrogance of Apple. And nope, they could care less what I say.

William Hohauser
May 15th, 2014, 10:04 AM
What I find odd is that in the years between now and when Apple stopped support of DVDSP, nobody has written a Mac based DVD authoring program to provide some of the authoring functions of DVDSP. Encore is a poor program aside from it's BluRay capabilities and Toast is much too limited for my authoring needs. There must be at least a few thousand sales possible for somebody who does write one.

Daniel Epstein
May 15th, 2014, 03:21 PM
Not to nitpick, but moving on while leaving a lot of practical applications for dvds is rude of Apple. I just finished a project that is going to be duplicated in the thousands for a client to hand out at trade shows. This is what the client wanted, dvds to hand out, it's still a viable application. The idea of moving on, trying to force an industry to move with it, well that's just the arrogance of Apple. And nope, they could care less what I say.

Hey Steven, It is not a nitpick but just an indication how technology companies often move away from technology too fast. I often resort to look for used gear or older software if the new stuff doesn't interface with what I need for a project. At least in this case Apple hasn't broken the ability of the operating system to run the old software. I don't think anyone will be upgrading DVD's in a way that DVD Studio Pro would need to change. As an example I still have a Macbook Pro stuck on Leopard so I can use a specific P2 adapter I have which can't be used on any newer system as the company didn't write the driver to work on newer software. When the adapter breaks I will have to buy a different much more expensive adapter and then I will be able to upgrade the software on the computer. If I m still using P2 by then.

Dave Farrants
May 15th, 2014, 03:36 PM
What I find odd is that in the years between now and when Apple stopped support of DVDSP, nobody has written a Mac based DVD authoring program to provide some of the authoring functions of DVDSP.

There is - DVDStyler - Free DVD Authoring Application ( - cross platform, freeware.

I've used it on 10.8.5 but not Mavericks, it's basic but works and is being updated with new features regularly.

William Hohauser
May 17th, 2014, 07:41 PM
Thanks, will try it soon.

Steven Davis
May 19th, 2014, 04:13 PM
What I find odd is that in the years between now and when Apple stopped support of DVDSP, nobody has written a Mac based DVD authoring program to provide some of the authoring functions of DVDSP. Encore is a poor program aside from it's BluRay capabilities and Toast is much too limited for my authoring needs. There must be at least a few thousand sales possible for somebody who does write one.

Hey William. After owning two macs, four iPhones, and an iPad, I get the impression that Apple hates anyone not Apple. So, I suspect since they want to drive the market instead of serve it, Apple isn't going to give it's blessing (or code) to anyone writing DVD authoring software since they don't believe in optical disks anymore. But honestly, I think their shooting themselves in the foot by ignoring the professional can only hope.

Daniel Epstein
May 19th, 2014, 07:22 PM
No idea why you responded to Williams comment that way when David followed with a link to DVD Styler. Owning only two macs make you sound like a newbie amongst my friends. Good luck trying to figure out what Apple does or does not hate.

Steven Davis
May 19th, 2014, 08:35 PM
What I find odd is that in the years between now and when Apple stopped support of DVDSP, nobody has written a Mac based DVD authoring program to provide some of the authoring functions of DVDSP. Encore is a poor program aside from it's BluRay capabilities and Toast is much too limited for my authoring needs. There must be at least a few thousand sales possible for somebody who does write one.

Thanks William

William Hohauser
May 20th, 2014, 08:26 PM
The decision to not support any disc burning besides single project to disc was a bit premature on Apple's part although admittedly I do much more of that than DVD authoring these days. However the lack of developer interest in making a replacement program seems to indicate that something is discouraging it behind the scenes. Sony's BluRay licensing fees are a known issue, I am not sure about DVD licensing fees. Have yet to try this open source DVD authoring program.