Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 02:32 AM
I have recently purchased 5 x 16 GB and 1 x 32 GB SANDISK Ultra (Class 10, 30 MBps) cards for use in my Canon Legria (Vixia in US) HF200. Most of these cards have failed to be writeable at Full HD 24 Mbps codec and the camera will only write at 12 Mbps. Yet the same camera will write at 24 Mbps to a Class 4 Sandisk 8GB "videoHD" card.
Is anyone else having trouble with batches of SANDISK product of late? Do you use a different brand? Did you switch because of issues?
Andy Wilkinson
January 20th, 2014, 02:37 AM
Where did you buy them? There are a lot of fake cards around...
Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 02:50 AM
I am buying these through a national office supplies company in Australia. I would be doubtful that they could risk buying fakes to on sell.
Andy Wilkinson
January 20th, 2014, 02:59 AM
Good! Next step contact SanDisk (or maybe try the local Office company first) and get them replaced.
Not sure about the Ultras as I always buy SanDisk Extreme or Extreme Pro but the guarantee that those come with is something that (thankfully) I've never needed to call upon.
Good luck!
Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 03:22 AM
I have submitted a question to SanDisk Australia via their web form regarding this. I will be interested to see what answer I get,
Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 03:45 AM
I have just found a KB article on the SanDisk website that says I will have to send my HF200s to Canon for a firmware upgrade!
I will talk to Canon tomorrow, when Sydney is online again.
Andy Wilkinson
January 20th, 2014, 03:47 AM
Ah, so is it that they are 32GB cards and your camera could only deal with lower sized cards without this firmware update? Just asking as it may help clarify the point for others that may find this thread.
Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 04:39 AM
OK, thanks for that Andy, good point.
The firmware update is for the camera to recognise Class10 cards, as these were introduced after the camera's manufacture. So it is not a size issue, but a speed issue.
These HF200's are sweet cameras. They are the same size as the more recent HFM and HFR series, but have all the nice features that the modern versions seemed to have dumped, an accessory shoe, a microphone input, headphone output and picture setting controls. The picture controls especially are my favourite as I can lower contrast and sharpening.
The most recent Vixia versions, just announced have added the microphone inputs back in, but lack the rest. Hope we see them as Legrias too. A step in the right direction...
Tim Lewis
January 20th, 2014, 06:40 PM
Good news everybody!
I have just spoken to Canon Australia. They will do the firmware upgrade FOC. All I have to do is be without my cameras for 2-3 weeks (hopefully less) and they will send them back updated to the latest firmware.