View Full Version : Help! Motion 5 export error -1

Bryan Cantwell
January 15th, 2014, 06:27 PM
Help! I'm having a major problem with Motion 5... Due to a comedy of errors too long to dwell on, I've got a Motion 5 sequence that needs exported. But it just won't go. Project is all XDCAM HD 1080i60 video, and it's not using any templates - all transitions & effects were built in the program by the original creator.

No matter the settings, no matter the format, exporting always fails. The error code it gives me is -1, and it fails at a different frame every time. I've tried restarting, clearing RAM preview, and everything else I could think of.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Bryan Cantwell
January 16th, 2014, 10:23 PM
An update of sorts.

After running every single Apple recommended trouble shooting fix, I'm still in the same boat, but there was a small bright spot.

Originally, I was working over a network, from a Synology NAS. I moved the project & media to my local drive, cleared as much unnecessary data from the computer as possible, restarted, and got one clean export of the project. One.

For the greater good, I attempted more exports after the successful one, but all subsequent efforts failed.

It's looking like it may be a memory issue. Will update on further research/attempts.

Bryan Cantwell
January 20th, 2014, 12:39 PM
Confirmed it's a memory problem. Restarting gives one good render of a 30 second sequence, then it's back to failing.

Apple lists the minimum RAM for Motion 5 as 4GB. This machine has 6GB and clearly struggles.

I also discovered that although the ATI Radeon HD 5770 graphics card in the machine does support OpenCL, it only actually does that in OSX Lion or later. This machine only has 10.6.8. So, another bottleneck.

Hopefully my struggle will help someone else, and save them a little bit of time and frustration.

John Nantz
February 14th, 2014, 02:27 PM
Just came across your dielima and it was good to read you were able to solve the problem.

I'm somewhat in the boat you are in that I'm keeping an older Mac Pro 3,1 (early 2008) running the newer software. Just last summer I sold my old 1,1 (2006) that I'd put the Radeon 5770 card with 1 GB of memory in and, frankly, it was doing pretty good. Speed-wise, it was nearly as fast as my newer computer but then it had more RAM. Since then I sold the 1,1 with it's old video card and put the 5770 in the 3,1.

One thing I came across recently is a thread about someone in a similar situation (keeping his old machine alive) where he put in a Radeon 7970 card with 3 GB of memory and now his machine screams. Forum :: Topic: Best graphics card upgrade (1/2) - (

With regard to Motion 5, I've recently acquired it and I'm impressed with the potential uses. My first use is on a project where there is a color grading issue with the main clips so this has been a hold up but as soon as I get past that there will be a lot more progress.

Thanks for posting what your problem was.